Chapter 3 - Change of Plans

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When you dream forever you live a whole other life in a world, in many ways, as real as this one. But nothing is ever new. Everything that occurs is a culmination of your memories. Your experiences. I don't know how long I was asleep but when I awoke I was in an unfamiliar place. I couldn't see or hear well at first but I could smell. I had never smelled something so beautiful in all my life. Citrus flirtations with lilac. I tried to talk but choked as the dry layers of my throat ripped apart. After I got myself under control I could hear footsteps growing louder. I turned my head and could make out a blurred figured walking closer.

"Tyrium?" came a womans voice. It was muffled and quiet. I tried to talk again but the woman quickly shooshed me. "No, no, don't talk. You're not ready yet. You're alive and safe in Sol Drar." Despite her words I had to know one thing.

"K-k-kar-a?" I managed to get out.

"She's fine. Now I mean it. No more talking or I'll put you back to sleep. Your sight and hearing will return over the next couple of hours. Don't try to sit up until they do." she said sternly before walking away. Laying on my back I stared blankly up at the ceiling. My thoughts were stifled as if a wall was obstructing my minds flow. Basic contemplation was my whole effort. As my vision cleared and the blur of browns, that was the ceiling, turned into a beautiful mural of the Primal god creation of the world carved in brownstone. My mind also became more capable. This was a blessing and a curse. I began to realize the pain my face was emanating. An intense burning sensation would flicker in and out like a candle in the breeze. I did my best to lay silently, embarassed by my wounded state.

I sat up after my senses had returned, not wishing to anger my caretaker again. I looked around the room hoping to find a mirror. While my search was in vain I was not disappointed. The architecture and designs of the room were so different from what I've known my whole life. The essence of nature could be seen throughout. My awe was only dwarfed by the pain in my face flaring again. This time I couldn't hide it as I hissed loudly. Once again I heard footsteps approaching, though they sounded different this time. To my relief it was Malok who entered the room.

"I'm glad to see you are awake. How are you feeling?" He asked as soon as he noticed my upright posture.

"I've been better." I managed to get out, albeit weakly. I could see the pity all over his face and it made me angry. My face must have betrayed me because he took note of it.

"I'm sorry to make you angry. I've never had someone under my care injured before."

"Is it bad?" I asked even weaker than before.

"The Elves are wonderful healers but it takes time for a wound so large and on such a delicate surface." He replied.

"Define large."

"If you can give me a minute I can show you." I nodded in agreement. He quickly exited the room and returned a moment or two later with an ornate hand mirror. "Here, Tyrium." He said with a soft tone. I grabbed the mirror and slowly turned it so I could see my face. I was horrified at what was gazing back at me. This thing couldn't be me. I couldn't even recognize myself behind the carnage. The scar was spread from the outside of my left eye, across my nose, and ended out my right cheek next to my mouth. My left eye was solid red where it once was white. My nose was crooked in the direction of the cut. I could see tears running down my face before I even realized that I was crying.

"Don't tell anyone I cried." I said carefully wiping my tears.

"Everyone cries, Tyrium. But your secret is safe."

A few hours later Kara came to visit. I had bandages over my wounds now as to avoid the awkwardness it presented. I was glad to see no look of pity from her. In fact it was a very joyful look. I smiled back. "How are you?" She asked sitting in the chair next to my bed.

Rise of the Rune MageOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz