Alpha Yours, Omega Mine: Chapter #26 - Mate

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Derek opened the door at Alpha Yours and gestured for their guests to come inside. "This way," he said.

Stiles looked over and smiled. "Welcome." He greeted them with a calm demeanor as he walked over to the small family of three.

The woman was tense and nervously side-eyeing Derek. Derek turned and walked to the desk, leaving Stiles to welcome their visitors. The man nodded respectfully at Stiles and after kissing the woman's cheek, he made his way over to the CEO. The woman looked at Stiles and flashed her eyes gold making him smile and do the same. Seeing gold eyes flash at her made the woman relax as Stiles knelt down in front of her. "Hello little one," he whispered.

A little girl peeked out from behind the woman's legs and flashed her eyes gold just like her mama had. With a smile, Stiles flashed his in return. "Hi, Mr. Tiles," she whispered.

Stiles grinned and gestured to a smaller room off to the side. "I have some puzzles and toys just for you in this room. I may even have put some cookies in there too. Would you like to go see it?"

The girl's face lit up and she nodded. She looked up at the woman who nodded at her to let her know she could go. She then took Stiles's hand as he stood up and led her into the room. The woman followed and Stiles closed the door behind them. "Mr. Tiles?"

Stiles knelt down again and smiled. "Yes?"

"Do you like to be a mega?" she asked, her eyes wide and curious.

"I do," he replied with a smile. "Do you?"

She nodded and went over to the table, surveying the treats. She grabbed a book and walked back over to the couch. "Will you read to me?"

"Bailey? What do we say?"

"Sorry, Mommy," she said before looking at Stiles and holding up the book. "Will you please read to me Mr. Tiles?"

Stiles took a seat on the couch and held out his hand. "What book did you choose, pup?"

Bailey handed it to him and held up her arms. "It's bout foxes cause there cool Mr. Tiles!"

"You like foxes, pup?" he asked.

"Mhm. Cause when you told us you're a fox I asked mommy to get me a fox, but she said I couldn't have a real one. So, he's stuff," she rambled excitedly.

Stiles beamed at her and gently picked her up, settling her on the couch next to him. He couldn't help chuckling when she snuggled against his side. "Well, I love foxes too and not just because I am one. I love them because they're smart and brave and tricky," he explained and glanced over at the woman who smiled broadly at him.

"I want to be smart like a fox. I want to be smart like you, Mr. Tiles," Bailey exclaimed.

"Well, you're already so smart. How about you follow along with me?" Bailey grinned and nodded snuggling into his side even more. "Ready pup?" he asked.

Bailey smiled and let out a soft purr. "Mhm. Are you?"

Stiles beamed and nodded. He took the book and opened it. "Once upon a time..." he started.

The woman sat down in the armchair and breathed out, smiling contentedly as she listened to Stiles read to her daughter.


Derek observed Stiles with the woman and little girl, his heart swelling with affection for his mate. Stiles was so good with them, and Derek wondered if there was a way to receive omegas differently when they applied to his company. Perhaps there was a way to put more measures in place to ensure their safety and to help them feel comfortable. It was then that an idea clicked in his head. The idea was for them to add an Omega subdivision to Alpha Yours. It would be a subdivision his mate, as an equal owner, would oversee.

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