Alpha Yours, Omega Mine: Chapter #3 - Ready?

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Stiles was neither a neat freak nor a slob, but you wouldn't know that if you looked at the state his apartment was in. He had clothes strewn everywhere and he was a mess of anxiety and excitement. He wanted to find the perfect outfit for the...well he would call it a date, but it wasn't really a date date. It was more of a meeting with the service to introduce him to the alpha they matched him with. Then said alpha and Stiles would go out to eat or something like that, but Stiles didn't exactly read the fine print right away. He could barely sit still, let alone read the fine print. He was too excited about finally having an answer and not only did he have an answer, but the answer was yes.

Finally, with an exasperated sigh, he threw himself down onto his bed and buried his face in his pillow. He couldn't find anything to wear or actually he wasn't satisfied with his options, and it had to be perfect. He had to make the best first impression in the history of first impressions because what if this was the only alpha that could stand his characteristics enough to meet with him? It was this thought that led to Stiles curling up into a ball in the center of his bed and letting a tear fall because he really was afraid of that being true.

Stiles didn't realize he had dozed off until he heard a loud knock on his door and the shrill sound of the alarm on his phone. He sighed and literally had to drag himself out of bed to go answer the door.

When he opened it he was met with two faces he both loved and at the moment didn't want to talk to but still he let them in before they could let themselves in. "Look I'm fine."

Allison crossed her arms and sighed. "No you're not. You're a nervous wreck and Lydia was right about coming to check on you."

Stiles looked at Lydia with his eyebrows furrowed in frustration. "How come you always have to know everything about me?"

She raised an eyebrow at him. "Says the guy who fawned over me like crazy."

Stiles felt his cheeks redden and he cleared his throat as he closed his door. "Point taken. So, what are you going to do?"

Lydia looked around his apartment with an assessing gaze before her gaze fell on him again. "Well, obviously with you, being who you are, we knew you'd need our help with what to wear. So, here we are. We have come to help you choose something but judging by the mess of clothes everywhere I'd say we're heading to the store instead."

Allison smiled and brushed Stiles' hair out of his face. "Come on. It'll be fun and we know how badly you want this to be perfect. Let us help."

Stiles was embarrassed at not only the state of his apartment but also the state of himself. He was immensely grateful to the girls for helping him with this and he made a mental note to do something equally as amazing for them.


They took him to a higher end store for something fancier but at his insistence that he be true to himself they also went to a regular old Target where he got a nice pair of khaki pants and a fit t-shirt. Allison insisted the shirt showed off his physique without being too in your face. He also chose a button down shirt to go over the t-shirt. Then before making their way to the front, he chose a brand new pair of black converse.

When they reached the checkout, Lydia pulled out her card before Stiles could even think to reach for his wallet. "LYDS!"

She simply smiled at him as she signed the slip and handed him the bag. "Let's go get you mated."

The cashier gave Stiles a look and he quickly hightailed it out of the store.


When they got back to Stiles's apartment, Allison had texted Scott to meet them there. While Lydia ushered Stiles to go get ready, she, Allison and Scott set to work helping tidy up Stiles's apartment. His heart swelled with love for his friends, and he pushed away the thought that swooped in about him not deserving them.

He went into his bathroom and took a thorough shower, making sure to follow the instructions from the email. It wasn't difficult for him to do so. He then got out and dried off before changing into boxer briefs. He wanted the security they provided him. He then pulled on the khaki pants, his black fit t-shirt, slipped on a blue button down over it and last but not least, donned his new converse.

This was it for Stiles and he sat on his bed, taking a few moments to collect himself. The last thing he wanted to do was show up as an emotional nervous wreck. He knew that was so not attractive.


About fifteen minutes later, he had his phone in his pocket along with his wallet and keys and was on his way to the elite Alpha Yours service building.

When they had sent a limo to retrieve him, Stiles nearly fainted. He wondered why it was so fancy but then he chastised himself for being so naive. It wouldn't make sense for them to have anything less than the best for how much you had to pay for their service. If his dad ever found out, the man would surely have a heart attack. He had hugged each of his friends tightly and basked in their encouragement before getting into the limo.

When it pulled up to the building and came to a stop, the door opened. "Mr. Stilinski."

Stiles felt an odd twist in his stomach at the formality, but he supposed it was necessary. He got out of the car and looked at the man who had opened it. "Thank you, sir."

The man nodded and gestured to the big glass doors. "You'll enter through the doors here, Mr. Stilinski, and there will be a desk on your right a few yards in. Good luck."

Stiles had immediately started to head towards the building but at the man's words, good luck, he halted and turned to ask why he needed luck but before he could, the man had already driven off. Stiles deflated a little. His confidence hadn't been very high to begin with as far as this whole thing was concerned. Now he had been wished good luck. Stiles snorted. Luck had never shown him any kindness. He took a moment to ground himself before walking to the door.

He knew logically the door wasn't getting further and further away, but it sure felt like it. Stiles was grateful he had learned several breathing exercises from Lydia because without them he would have fainted right then and there.

As he put his hand on the door, he did the breathing exercise that helped him the most. He inhaled through his nose for a count of four, held it for a count of three and exhaled for a count of five. After he had done that five times, he gripped the handle tightly, grateful his hands weren't revealing his nerves and pulled the door open.

The heavy glass door opened smoothly and as Stiles stepped inside towards what he hoped was just what he had been promised, he felt all his nerves both ratchet up and his insides turn to mush. His gaze fell on the beautiful specimen who was manning the desk.

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