Alpha Yours, Omega Mine: Chapter #13 - Traitor

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 POV: Alpha Ryan

Ryan's eyes slowly fluttered open, his hands instinctively reaching for the omega only to find nothing but air. His eyes snapped open, and a low growl rumbled as his gaze flicked around the room. He tried to move and groaned when his whole body felt like it was on fire. He looked to see that it was night out, but something told him he had been out a long time. This was confirmed when he finally got his limbs to work and checked his phone.

Sure enough, it was Monday night. He had been out for days. His eyes flashed red as a roar exploded from his chest. "WHERE THE FUCK IS THAT LITTLE BITCH?!?!"

He searched his house top to bottom, coming up empty and headed to his office to check the security cameras. Sure enough, he saw the shadow of the omega sneaking out of his property and watched as the little bitch took off running.

Ryan was livid, his blood boiling but he was also at a loss of how the omega had managed to knock him out for an entire weekend. That shouldn't have been possible. It was time to figure out just how the little bitch had managed such a thing.

He went to the kitchen to question his head cook. "You! What did you feed us the last night the omega was here?"

"Just spaghetti and meatballs, sir. That was the main dish, and it was served with green beans and garlic bread on the side."

"Show me," the alpha demanded, his body vibrating with the need to hurt something or someone.

The head cook showed Ryan what they had made but it was of no use to him. All of the dishes had since been washed, making it impossible to tell if the food had been tampered with.

Alpha Ryan spent the entire day searching for any evidence to explain the situation but found nothing. It seemed the omega had left and didn't bother to take anything with him. Ryan found the omega's phone and wallet still in his desk. Pity as he could have tracked the omega if the little brat had taken his phone.


Tuesday morning came and Ryan pulled his phone out, a sadistic smirk on his face. "He'll wish he'd never been born." He dialed the number and waited for it to be picked up.


"We have a problem."

"Yeah. No shit, Sherlock. I'm aware. How the hell could you of all people fuck this up?"

"Fuck you! It's not my fault. I was so close to fucking mounting him and claiming him I swear. This is so fucking ridiculous it's not even funny."

"Yeah well, you're fucking incompetent. You should've just done it whether he wanted you to or not. Then this mess I'm currently privy to wouldn't be a mess."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I am watching the results of your ineptitude unfold before me and let me just say that this plan would have worked if you hadn't been so thick."

"You're a bitch."

"Yeah well, you're stuck with me. So, what exactly do you plan to do now?"

"Well, he's mine on paper and the last thing I am going to do is allow fucking Derek Hale to have a mate. I don't care how high the percentage is. That little omega bitch belongs to me, and Hale owes me for fucking me over last time."

"You do realize that I already know all of this, right? Save the macho shit for him."

"Fine! Let's start on Plan B. I want to know how the omega managed to keep me unconscious for an entire weekend."

There were several minutes of silence before the other person spoke again. "He did what? Are you saying that weak little nobody managed to subdue you? That's hilarious." Loud snickering echoed in Ryan's ears and made him grind his teeth together.

"Fuck off! Just do what I paid you to do. I'm owed and I will not give up. Oh, the pain I'll inflict on him when he's back in my house again will be so severe. He'll beg me to kill him, and I'll just smile and fuck him into unconsciousness."

"Ryan? I think you need to calm down. Murder isn't part of the plan."

"Maybe not but he'll wish he was dead by the time I'm through with him. Just do it and don't call me until it's time for me to play my part."

"You got it but don't fuck up again. My ass is on the line too, you know."

Ryan hung up the phone and then threw it against the wall, not caring that it shattered into pieces. He snarled, poured himself a drink and quickly downed it in one go. He then poured himself another and went over to his window. The amber liquid swirled in the glass as the alpha gazed out at the land he owned. he nursed the scotch slowly, pondering exactly what he would do when he had the omega back where it belonged. He smirked with a hungry look in his eyes as he considered all the possibilities.

"Oh Derek. You have no idea what lengths I will go to. There isn't anything I won't do in order to make sure you pay for what you did. Someone like you doesn't deserve a mate. Just you wait."


POV: ?

After the phone call with Ryan ended, it was silent for a few moments as she put her cell phone back into her purse. Then suddenly the phone on her desk rang and she quickly picked it up with a cheery voice. "Alpha Yours, where we help match omegas with an alpha in an effort to help everyone find that special someone they are destined to be with because everyone deserves to find love. How can I assist you today?"

"H-Hi. I um...I sent in an application and just wondered how long it takes to find out the results?"

"There's a waiting period of anywhere from a couple weeks to a month. Just be patient."

"Thank you so much! Sorry for bothering you but I'm excited."

"Mhm. For sure. Have a great rest of your day and best of luck."

"Thank you! Same to you."

The line clicked to signal the end of the call and she put the phone back on the hook. "Fucking omegas."

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