How did I get so lucky?

"He's smiling!" Nate said excitedly.

"Finally!" Vincent said with a smile.

"Uncle Leo is smiling!" Aidan said clapping his hands.

Alexander was on my lap and he nodded his head at his brother.

"I told you he would like it if you're here" Ares told them.

"See! Daddy was right! He's always right!" Aidan told Alexander and Alexander rolled his eyes.

"I think that's not the only reason he's happy today" Nate said with a smirk.

"Anything you want to tell us?" Ares asked.

How do I say this without all of them freaking out?

"I proposed to Tessa and she said yes" I said with a big stupid smile on my face.

They all fell silent and their faces looked shocked.

"I'm getting married"

"I am so shocked I can't even scream right now" Nate said.

"Me too" Vincent agreed.

"When did you get a ring?" Ares asked.

"About that-" I trailed off running my fingers through my hair.

"You didn't get a ring?" He asked surprised.

"I will but I just couldn't hold it in-"

"Thank God I didn't ask you what to do when I wanted to propose" Nate said rolling his eyes.

"I think it's exactly what Leo would do" Vincent said.

"When are you getting her a ring?" Ares asked.

"We're going to choose together I want her to have something she loves. She's going to wear it all her life so I want her to love it"

Well, hopefully all her life.

"That's good thinking Leo" Ares said and put his hands on my shoulders, "I think I'll hear a lot from Serenity today since she's out with Tessa right now"

"Only good things I hope" I said.


"Hello Mr Lawrence" I greeted her dad as we walked inside Tessa's house.

"Hello Leo!" He said patting my back.

Tessa's sisters were out with their friends and we decided to visit her dad and tell him the good news.

"Hi dad" Tessa said hugging him. She had a big smile on her face and she looked very excited.

"You look very happy. I'm glad to see that" He said eyeing me.

"We have something to tell you" Tessa said sitting on the couch.

Her dad suddenly seemed nervous, "Is something wrong? No, you look happy so it's good news right?"

"Dad, we're getting married" Tessa said.

Her dad gasped and stood up, "What!?"

Tessa nodded.

"Oh gosh, is that true? Finally!" He said with a happy smile.

"I'm glad you're happy Mr Lawrence" I said smiling politely.

"Stop with that, just call me by my first name. You're my soon to be son in law now. Come here!" He said and opened his arms.

I stood up and he hugged me patting my back.

"I trust you and I hope you do everything to take care of her" He told me looking at me.

I chuckled, "Of course. I love her and I can't live without her"

I had to stay away from her so many times for such a long time and I never wanted to go through that again. I wanted to be by her side for the rest of my life and I would do anything to not have to be without her again.

And I never had to again after that.



"Well, you seemed very eager to go out with us today" Jane said.

"It's Leo's birthday right? Ares told me that. Why did you want to go out so bad?" Ren asked holding her daughter, Belle.

Belle wanted her mom all the time and honestly she was very quiet and cute so we didn't mind at all.

"Yes, Nate told me that as well" Rose said.

Rose was such a cute girl and Nate and she were an adorable couple. They were both really funny and looked like they were made for each other. 

The only thing was she was a little shy, but we got her to open up.

"I have something to tell you" I said trying to hide my smile.

Jane raised an eyebrow, "Well, don't keep us waiting. Go ahead" She urged me.

"I'm getting married"

They all gasped and looked at each other.

"Oh My God! Really!?" Serenity exclaimed.

"Leo proposed?" Jane and Rose both asked in disbelief.

I nodded happily and smiled brightly.

"Tessa, I'm so happy for you" Serenity said.

"Congratulations, Tessa" Jane smiled and said.

Wow she approves?

"Congrats! You must be so happy!" Rose said with a bright smile.

"We should start preparations for the wedding. We should go look for a dress! Oh! or you can get one made for you like I did! Oh! and we should start looking for cakes and invitations and-"

"Serenity calm down" I chuckled.

"You're right, I got very excited there" She giggled.

"You seem very happy" Jane pointed out.

"I've never been happier" I said truthfully.

I loved Leo so much and I never wanted to be away from him again.

After that we talked about it a bit more and then talked about other things. Later during the day we visited my dad with Leo and told him we're getting married and he was very happy and excited.

And after that long day we finally went back to Leo's apartment.

We took a bath and then we cuddled on the couch and watched TV just like the other night.

"Did you enjoy your birthday?" I asked him.

He kissed my cheek, "It was the happiest day of my life" He said smiling against my skin, "Do you want to start looking for ring ideas online? We can get one made just for you" He said.

"I'd like that, but isn't that expensive?"

He chuckled, "It's not expensive for me" He said, "You are much more valuable to me than money anyways"

I hugged his torso and looked up at him feeling tears in my eyes.

I'm so happy.

"I love you" I said.

"I love you" He whispered and kissed me.

Without Her ✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt