
26 1 0

silence is the best answer


He was just so good with words, his words are just too wise. I wonder if he has a girlfriend. I mean if he has, she is such a lucky girl. A boyfriend that's smart, always have a response to everything and knows the right things to say. I admire the very fact he ooze confidence.

'Why is the thought of him warming my heart?...Is that a crush I'm feeling?'  I sat up in my bed lost in thought and began to chew on my lower lip. '..Psst, No. How sure are you? Are you even friends? Does he consider you a friend? I mean you've only talked with him a couple of times'  I shook the thoughts from my head and sent Liam a text letting him know I was about to sleep.

Sweet dreams

That was the last thing I read before I drifted off.

And When I woke up the next morning, the same smile was still plastered to my face.

'What's wrong with me?'

I shot Liam a good morning text and prepared for school. As usual, Olivia was early. I mean I envy her in that aspect. She wouldn't have a problem when working as an intern or something.

Mum and I haven't gotten the chance to talk about yesterday. I mean her 'friend from work' and I haven't told her about my change of decision to visit my absentee father and letting him on what he wants to say. I don't know if I should tell her just yet because I haven't concluded on how close my visit to him would be but I'm sure as hell she would be glad for that step.

'Maybe by month end' I thought. The selfish part of me didn't want to give him the assurance I forgave him quick thus the reason for my indecisiveness.

I checked my phone to see if Liam has responded my message only to find it on read.

Doesn't he want to talk to me again? Was he already the fed up? Did he find something about me? Is he angry at me? Did I do something wrong? Many questions began to pop in my head at the same time. 'Was he busy? He definitely is busy. Come on, he has other better things to do than reply your chats'

"I noticed you've checked your phone multiples times in just a minute with the same disappointed look on your face. What's up?' Liv asked worriedly from behind the steering.

"Nothing"I replied still facing outside.

"Well, If you say so"


The class dragged on slowly and to my content,  it was break.

"Can Jake and his friends sit with us today?"Olivia asked as we left the English class we both offered together.

'Sure' was my curt response.

Olivia shook her head at my response. "you know you can tell me if anything is bothering you right?"

How will I tell my best friend i was in a sore mood because a guy didn't respond to my text? I'm sure she would laugh it off thinking I was joking. I guess I should give Liam space, I don't want to come out desperate or maybe I'm just overthinking things. What's wrong with me? I wasn't like this when it comes to other guys. I don't overthink things, i do them. I hope I'm not treading softly into the path I'm going to get hurt badly. All I need now is bury every feelings that's surfacing and concentrate on important things like the college to choose.

"I'm sorry Olivia, I didn't get much sleep last night. You know how I get?"

"Why didn't you"she asked teasingly.

"Eew.. just so you know, i had a lot of lasagne for dinner. I was beyond filled that it was really difficult to sleep"

"Okay. I don't know but it feels like Jake is my boyfriend"

"You can say it again. You guys are just too adorable"

And that was how I was shut out from their discussion. Jake and his friends came shortly after liv and I discussion for them  just to dominate it. I was there physically with them but I got no clue what was going on. I just didn't fit. Though they tried chipping me in at intervals but I just didn't.

I looked at how Olivia stared at Jake like a puppy to his owner, with so much adorable and love that made me question if I would ever feel something like that.

You're just punishing yourself for absolutely nothing' My subconscious mocked.

Maybe I really need was just to visit my dad, let it out and find closure. I just don't have that balls just yet.

The ping of my iPhone brought me back into reality.

Hey, sorry I'm just replying you now.

I bit down on my fingernails aggressively and stared around. Everyone engrossed in one discussion or the other. Olivia as usual attached to Jake's side like he would vanish into the thin air all of a sudden.

I know I come out strong. The badass female best friend to Olivia and to others, strong willed, alpha female with boundaries but all of that are just facade.

In there is a girl waiting for someone to figure her out. The girl with what you will call 'massive daddy issues' that needs love and attention.

So I just shoot the one word text that comes to my mind as a response to Liam.


I need to come out strong. You're not desperate nor are you weak. I chanted in my head though I myself don't get the need for all this.

Is someone annoyed?

And with that I felt a blush creep it way to my cheek. The one I was sure was red enough to be so obvious to everyone at the table.

So much for being a bad bitch

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I just wanted to add, the FLC and MLC were both conversing on I-Message.
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*P.S: not edited*

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