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I know I've already talked about my opinion on our team. However, I think I overlooked Kaminari. He seems super funny and talkative until he is in my vicinity.
I'll have to ask Jiro later, maybe she knows.

"Come on, group. We have no time to waste!" Iida says, warming up his legs. I know I said I didn't like him at first but he's kind of growing on me.

We follow Iida's lead into an alleyway. It was one of the markers where Kendo was reported.

"Well, well, well... Look at us, meeting again," A strange yet familiar voice rattles through the alleyway, "It sure has been a minute," The man says and Jiro lets go of my hand.

"C'mon, how could you be so frightened by your own father?" Tomura emerges from the darkness of the alleyway. None of his goons follow.

He's facing us alone? That doesn't make sense.

"So I heard you got a new girlfriend..." He smiles.
"C'mon are you going to let your father see her or not?" He says, Jiro scoots behind me, "I don't like her already," His wide grin only grows wider.

The league of villains surrounds us in the alleyway. Tomura holds his hands up to the sky.
"Y/n. You had your chance. You could've been a part of this," He giggles, "Now, You'll have to fight me."

We clearly have nowhere close to enough manpower to actually defeat these guys. The building next to us is fairly short.
"IIDA KNOCK THEM OVER I HAVE AN IDEA!" I shout to Iida as I walk over to the building. Jiro and Kaminari follow.
Kaminari gets the idea fast and climbs up to the roof. Jiro tries to climb up but she can't reach.
"Kaminari! Drop your hand down, stupid!" She says and Kaminari reaches his hand out to help her up. It still isn't enough.

I look around to get a feel for the time we have. Iida has them all knocked over like bowling pins. However, they'll be back up in a few seconds.

I grab Jiro by the thighs and we both blush.
"This is gonna be awkward," I say in advance before lifting her up by her thighs with all my strength, allowing her to reach Kaminari's hand.

"Iida, you're next," I say and Iida climbs up quick.
I look around one more time. The league is up and coming towards me.

I quickly try to climb up. One of the league goons grab my foot and try to take me back down.
"I'll be right back. Meet me at the park!" I say to everyone before I give up and let the goon pull me down.

"Alrighty then... I didn't have anything to eat today so I might be a little slow," I apologize to the goons.
Now there are two of them grabbing my feet, dragging me.
I do a sit up and grab their hands. They both slip from skate and their hands start decaying.
"Man you guys really are stupid huh," I say as they watch themselves decay in horror.

I start running back into the alleyway. I reach my hands up and I climb to the roof of the building.

"C'mon son. Let your dad see you," Tomura makes one last remark before I kick him in the nose.
I take a deep breath and tell him,
"I don't have time for this."

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