"Smarter than you look then," Harry stated, "At least somewhat smart, otherwise you wouldn't have killed in cold blood." his voice was cold and harsh, showing a side to Harry that nobody had seen since he went up against Voldemort.

"We'll just be leaving now," the prisoner Axel said, trying to placate the situation knowing how Tomas would take those words and trying to prevent the inevitable bloodshed.

"Hey, we ain't leaving!" Tomas spat out in anger.

"You ain't staying either," Merle spat right back. Glancing quickly at Harry, how did he know about this man supposedly killing someone? There was no denying that he was right, since the man didn't even try to defend himself once.

"We ain't leaving; this is my house, my rules. I go where I damn well please." Tomas argued acting all tough with a gun in his hand.

Harry sighed, hand outstretched, summoning the gun, from Tomas, surprise and confusion written across his face as his gun was forcefully removed from his grip. There, that was one less risk right now, he didn't want the chance of him hitting anyone, and he didn't have his trunk with him. "My house, my rules," Harry corrected him, green eyes glowing powerfully.

"What were you doing in here anyway?" Luna asked, drawing their attention to her.

"A big riot broke out, ain't seen anything like it," big tiny said, his face showing just how bad it had been even after all this time.

"Attica on speed, man," Axel said, still hugging himself. "Then we heard about dudes going cannibal, dying, coming back to life? Crazy."

"One guard looked out of us, locked us up in here," Tomas added, his entire attitude had changed in the time it took for Harry to summon his gun. Cold and calculating, he would kill them and take over what was rightfully his; he just had to be careful about it. There was only four them, five of him. "Told us to sit tight, threw me this piece, and said he'd be right back."

"That was the last we heard from..." Axel started.

"Shut up," Tomas told Axel giving him a look.

"We were thinking that the Army or the National Guard should be showing up any day now." Oscar explained.

"There ain't no army," Merle grunted. Despite the fact they didn't have a gun he was still on the defensive, they still had weapons after all.

"What do you mean?" Tomas scoffed, causing Merle to grit his teeth and clench his fists as if he wanted to pummel the guy's teeth down his throat.

"There is no government, no army, no police, welcome to the apocalypse gentlemen is started without you," Harry stated wryly. "Everything's gone."

"For real?" Axel asked paling drastically.

Four faces just stared at him, not bothering with a reply.

"What about my moms?" big tiny asked, his gaze on the floor.

Harry stared at the giant man, that question alone just made Harry think of Hagrid, a big loveable giant. Sighing softly, "I'm sorry, the chances of her surviving is very slim, I would summarize half the planets population is already dead, more dying by the day. I suppose someone should explain everything to you, especially before you go out there. When people die they come back their reanimated corpses eat anything in sight, from animals to humans, a single bite or scratch is enough to awaken the virus and slowly kill you. Then you will reanimate yourself, there's only one way to kill them, by destroying the brain. Whether you are bitten or not, when you die, you will come back unless someone puts a bullet in your brain. The virus is airborne, the CDC's are gone, the army, the marines everything gone, all communications are down, internet and phone, there is no way to get in touch with people. The walkers, which is what we call them, gather in herds, so be careful." this man was in prison for being in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong people.

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