Feeling Like We'd Rather Not Feel at All

Start from the beginning

Error had to focus on breathing in order to maintain a normal rhythm now. 'You're over-complicating this,' He told himself, 'just tell him the truth.'

The truth.

Error's least favourite option.

"Error." Four entered the bedroom, followed closely behind by Cross and Ink. The pair were reminiscent of puppies, perusing Four eagerly and somewhat blindly. 'Eavesdropping' was clearly not a term that came to mind for either.

Error was startled. Pure, panicked confusion led Error's tongue astray. "I didn't mean for- they were just there- I mean, it was a st- he doesn't really think that-?"

Ink turned to Cross, face screwed up in utter perplexity.

"Come again?" Four blankly stared.

"I didn't actively- they were there!"

"Kid, calm the fuck down, I don't know what you're trying to tell me."

Of course, Error only managed more stuttering. At least Four picked up on one thing; Error was frequently glancing at the skeletons in the doorway.

"Go." He commanded. Cross didn't need to be told twice, scurrying back down the hall while Ink bit his lip as if holding back words. "And close the door on the way." Four met Ink's eyes.

The artist looked away quickly, and did as he was told.

"Speak," Four lowered his voice after he was sure the door had closed, "And I do mean speak, not whatever you were just doing."

"I didn't mean for it to happen," Error's voice quivered, "What did I do? Where was I?"


"Fuck," Error whispered, putting a hand over his mouth and looking to his side while his other arm was crossed.

"Hey," Four placed a hand on Error's shoulder, guiding him to sit down on the bed just like him and Cross had been for a split second. Error stayed put this time. "It's alright."

Error was speechless. He had never- not once- heard Four speak in such a gentle tone. "What?" His voice cracked.

"I noticed that you took the liberty of putting the void in the collection room. The world is salvageable, you don't need to worry."

"I didn't know what to do with it," Error looked down, thinking back to the small orb that had survived the fight with the Seekers, "I almost destroyed it."

"It's all good. We already sent Reaper and Glitch out, which reminds me- INK!" Four yelled.

A few seconds of waiting, and then Ink creaked the door open. "Sir?"

"Fuck off to UnderFell please."



"Yes, sir..."

The door closed, and for a few moments Ink could be heard talking to Cross- complaining, by the tone of his voice.

"You left blood all over the collection room floor."

"I'm sorry."

"Are you okay?"

"They shot me, that's all."

Four rolled his eyes. "I didn't realize I needed to teach you how to dodge a bullet with magic. Show me the wound."

"Ink cleared it up pretty well," Error murmured, slipping his hoodie off his shoulder.

Creation Begins with an I, Destruction Begins with an E (Undertale Errink Book)Where stories live. Discover now