Chapter 10

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"I wish my eyes could take pictures"


Mason Moore

Fynn's house is a little out of town. You may be thinking how do I know that well, this person here next to me is riding to the outer town.

Wait, how did he even get so fast to me. If I'm correct then it takes like 20 minutes to go to my home. He was there in like 10-15 minutes. I guess he was racing or something again on the road.

"Mason, earth to Mason" I heard next to me. "yeah, I'm awake" I was a little distracted because of my thinking. I looked up and I saw a big ass house. Jesus christ this is just a mansion. "This is your house?" I may have said in a slightly surprised tone.

Okay not slightly my mouth was literally hanging on the ground. "Yeah it is," he said while scratching the back of his neck. Oh gosh this was just awkward. "Ehm maybe we should get out" I said with a little chuckle.

"Oh haha maybe we should, stay there I will get ya" he said. I stayed put as he said and just waited for Fynn to get me. My door opened and he stood there ready to carry me into the house.

For the romance people, yes this guy is carrying me again in bridal style. I think I have to get used to it. Fynn stopped in his pase and started opening his mouth "Welcome to my house" he said as he opened the door. "Oh My God" if I hadn't told anybody yet my jaw hit the floor. The house is like twice the size of my house and my house is already pretty big if I'm gonna to be honest.

The hallway was an open space, there was a big chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The stairs were in a sort of round way at the ends of the hallway. It was like an opening of a ballway, damn. "It's not that pretty" I heard above me.

"What Fynn this is like soo fairytale likeee" I don't think so nibbit." he said with a smirk while walking in the direction of the stairs. What did he just call me, A NIBBIT. Those are chips you dumbass, that means I'm tasty. I did not think that! no Mase clean you mind a clean mind. Okay ehm think about the beautiful house and that house is from Fynn and he is... No okay this is not gonna work. I have to do something where I can let my mind wander off.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked. I was still in his arms and Fynn was just walking up the stairs. "Were going to my room, I think you would like to have some clean clothes." What clean clothes. I looked down at my clothes and then saw that I had my clothes on from yesterday and can I remind you that we were in a forest where you can get dirty.

My cheeks turned red again. Oh gosh I am blushing AGAIN. Why do I only blush in front of Fynn? He does something to me that makes me feel weird. Fynn stopped walking out of nowhere and I saw that he had stopped in front of a door. This must be his room right? My thoughts are all over the place ( most of them are dirty though).

Fynn opened the door and he walked inside of the room. Wow, his bedroom is big. How can everything fit in one place? He has a black bed, mirror and a desk where he can work. Overall it is pretty empty here. I don't see a lot of personal belongings. That's weird, most people have somethings that they like and set it all over the place but in here you can't see anything of that stuff.

"So ehm which clothes can I wear?" ehm I think I have some small clothes that may fit you" Fynn said as he placed me on his bed.

My eyes are following Fynn as he walks away assuming to his closet. He came back with some pairs of clothes. "Here" he said as he threw the clothes at me. "heh thanks" I took a look at the things he gave me and jesus christ these clothes are big.

"This is the smallest size that you have in your closet?" I said in disbelief. Like damn everyone has some clothes that you never wear and then they will be there for over 5 years laying there. " ehh yeah I don't have other ones so you have to deal with this I guess" Fynn said while scratching the back of his neck.

" Fine" while I have to say the bed feels good and soft I have to get up... but my fucking ankle is still killing me. "Ehhh look the other way around" I said to Fynn.  "Whyy" oh this boy wants to see my naked? My eyebrow went up and gave him the look 'like are you fucking kidding' me look. "Fine" he groaned as he turned around away from him, seeing me in his sight.

I took off my dirty clothes and replaced them with the insanely big shirt and sweatpants of Fynn. The shirt came up to my knees... I was basically wearing a big dress. The sweatpants were okay, just a little big. There was a mirror in his room and I looked at myself in it and adored the outfit I was wearing.

Weird, I enjoy wearing his clothes. "Okay I'm done you can turn around" just as I finished that sentence he turned around. " I'm gonna be honest with you that fucking looks good on you." haha thanks" I said while I was breathing out the air I was holding in. "So what are we gonna do now?"

"Well I guess you are staying here for like today and are you gonna sleepover too?" he asked me. Do I wanna sleepover at his?  Hell yeah, why not. "If I can stay over then yes" I said with a little shy voice. Why was I being shy all of a sudden? "Of course I said that you could, right?" yeah you said that I could stay.. just a confirmation."

"So ehm are you hungry I can make us some dinner" Fynn asked. I just nodded, my voice isn't just working anymore. "Okay cool" he walked out of the room and stopped for a second. "Oh yeah forgot you can't really walk" he walked back to me and picked me up like I weighed one pound.

We.. well he walked down the stairs towards a big area that looked like the kitchen and living room. Again it is fucking big in here. Fynn stopped walking as we came into the kitchen.

He placed me on one of the bar chairs and went into the kitchen. "So whatcha wanna eat for dinner?" Ehmm what do you think about pasta?" I asked. If you don't like pasta I mean what do you like then. It's literally the thing I could eat all the time.

"Sounds good"Fynn turned around and walked up to the pantry" I think we have all the ingredients so we can eat that." I was doing my happy dance deep in my thoughts. If it wasn't clear enough I love pasta.

Fynn grabbed all the things he needed as I just sat by looking at him. To be honest his cooking skills must be better then mine cause he was doing all sorts of shit and I don't know what he did. It smelt amazing though my mouth began to water after some 20 minutes into the cooking progress.

When I was having my food crisis in my head I heard a laughter coming from Fynn. "Whattt" I said to him" It looks just funny you're looking like a hungry puppy on this moment." he said in between his laughs. "Not funny" I pouted... oh so I have started to pull the pout card too. Damn I am a whole new person.

"The food is almost ready so stop pouting. Fine fine" I said. He grabbed two plates and set one before me and one next to me. He finished the last bits of the cooking and scooped some food to put on my plate." Here, try it" Fynn said. So there are two options here, 1 I die of poisoning and the second one is I will die from deliciousness. I grabbed the spoon, scooped some food on it and tried it.


I'm just gonna say if the thoughts of the dirty ass mind people were working then its not my fault. There were just the tiny details that I had to put in the story... that could maybe come out as dirty thougths....

Just to say I have no regrets doing that:)

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