Chapter 2

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"Stay a mystery, It's better. "


TW- panic attack

Mason Moore

I sat in my car in front of the school rethinking everything that could happen as soon as I set foot in school. Today was the first day of me repeating my senior year. I had to repeat this year for several reasons that are hard to talk about.

Last year I came out of the closet to some of my friends. I told no one else, only a few friends. After that I told them about me being gay they inmidelty made fun of me and left me for nothing.

They started to hang around other people and started to bully me with some of their new friends. The bullying became pretty hard to deal with, I'm not gonna go in detail but it was pretty messed up. So I skipped school for like almost 2 months or more.

I just didn't show up. And here I am going to school for an extra year because I didn't attend any of the classes.

I came extra early to school so I could avoid everybody else ( I don't know why it's just a habit). As I walked into school I started searching for my class.

After getting into the right classroom I saw 6 rows of tables standing in an almost perfect line. I chose the spot in the back that's almost next to the window.

My anxiety began to rise up for almost no reason. Nobody is in here and everybody that knew that I was gay is gone now.

I calmed down after a few minutes and decided to read a book that I brought with me. The first period begins at 8.30 am. It's 8.05 am now so I can wait and read for a little while.

" Fuck serious I thought that I was late, ugh" I hear somebody saying. I tense up a little bit when I see that person is going into my classroom. He walks towards me and sits beside me.

When I took a closer look I saw it was Fynn White. Oh gosh I didn't know that he had to repeat senior year too. He was in the same class as me last year, he probably doesn't remember that.

He seriously is one of the most popular guys in school. We had some short conversations, but I'm probably the only one who remembers. You know what, I'm gonna talk to him.

I don't think I have anything to lose. You can see it as making new friends and starting with a good beginning.

So I started talking to him "Hey you're Fynn right, how are you doing?" I said. Omg it's the stupidest thing that I could say.

He looked unbothered by my horrible social skills and probably ignored me. I tried to talk to him some more, but I gave up after some people came into the classroom.

He's probably ignoring me, because he doesn't like me or something. Our history teacher wasn't a fan of the " being on time'' rule.

He walked into the class pretty late, but I wasn't complaining. More time for me to mentally prepare for a school day. The teacher organized his stuff and began to talk and directly went to the point of school work for this semester.

" You have to work together with the person that sits next to you," Mr. Strong said. Ugh I'm back at school for one day and I have to work together with someone already.

I looked beside me and I totally forgot that Fynn was gonna be my partner for the rest of my history classes this year.

My heart skipped a beat by the thoughts of me working together with him. I tried to talk to him and this time he answered back.

His answers weren't that long, but look at the bright side he talks to me! I was really embarrassed with what I was saying to him it almost sounded like bragging.

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