Chapter 4

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- Different eyes see different things


Fynn White

"EVERYBODY READY, PLAY" Coached yelled. It's official the play had started and I had to prove myself that I can do this. The ball got passed to the quarterback and I started running like crazy. The players on the other side of the team were running to stop me, but I was too fast.

I looked behind me and I saw that the ball was getting his way to me. I catched it and began running much harder than I already did. I didn't see much with this damn helmet on my head, but I was getting there just a little more and...

* Buzzer went off, scored a point*

I scored a point, yesss. I threw my helmet off and had a big smile on my face. This never felt so good, maybe trying this out wasn't such a bad idea. I looked at the coach but he was staring at me with his mouth open.

Now I looked back at the team and they were doing the same thing, was there something wrong. I was very confused, why were they staring at me with such looks on their faces. " Is there something wrong guys?" I asked.

( imagine a whole team staring at you damn anxiety)

Someone walked up to me and said" No there is a lot wrong with you" Oh here it comes. " How the fuck can you run this hard dude, we couldn't catch up with you" the guy said. All the other guys seemed to agree with what he said and I felt a little proud. I always had love running and it was my hobby until a year back. While running on the field it felt like I was free again.

"WHITE" I heard somebody shouting at me, I looked behind me and the coach was walking towards me. " Look, this is why I wanted you on the team. You're good at it and you can run like crazy, are you in or not?" He asked. " Yeah sure coach why not" I said and the whole team cheered. Practice didn't take that long, cause it was just meeting training. We all went back to the locker room and changed.

"So White I didn't know that you could run like that" said the guy that was talking to me earlier. I was a little confused why he started a conversation with me and I didn't even know his name.

I think he noticed the confusion on my face and he started introducing himself to me. " Oh ehm sorry I'm Miles and I'm the quarterback of the team" He said. " Well ehm hello Miles, ehmm and about your question coach asked me multiple times to go to the try outs but I hated the attention" I said.

The team looked a little shocked at my answer, cause you know I was pretty popular ( I still am). " But if you don't mind, I really want to go home" I said cause I really didn't want to have this conversation now. They nodded and I left the locker room to go home. This day was already exhausting enough, with practice and Mason.

Oh gosh Mason, why hasn't he responded to any of my calls or texts. Aghhhhh you know what fuck Mason if he doesn't want to talk to me then I don't want to talk to him. I drove home and saw my mom cooking in the kitchen.

" Hey Fynn, how was school?" she asked. " It was fine mom" I said with the most neutral voice I could have. My mom probably knew that something was wrong, but as usual she doesn't give a fuck about me. We had dinner and I went upstairs after it, cause I smelled horrible after football practice.

I turned the shower on and jumped into it. The shower felt really good, I came out of it after some 20 minutes. I grabbed my pajama and put it on, walked to my bed and fell down on it. So much happened today I still had to process some things.

While processing all my shit from today I came back to the thought of Mason. I had to let him go he didn't answer me the whole fucking day. It's clear he doesn't like me, but still why can't I let it go?

Okay so here is what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna call him and if he doesn't pick up then I'm gonna leave a voicemail behind. I grabbed my phone and called the number that was written under the name Mason.

* Calling Mason*

* voicemail*

Of course why did I think he would pick up now. I left a voicemail behind and decided to just go to bed. I was tired of all this shit from today. So I got to bed and tried to think about different scenarios to fall asleep.

I woke up again with the loud noise of my alarm going off. I smacked the alarm off and got out of bed. There was a mirror beside my bed and I looked in it for a bit.

My hair was all messy and my brown eyes seemed tired. I have to say I don't look too bad. I got dressed and went down stairs, my mom had to work at the office for a change so she wasn't home.

There was some breakfast left on the counter with a note on it. " Have fun at school." I swear she has to stop doing that, I mean I'm not in primary school anymore. I ate my breakfast and went to school shortly after that.

While driving to school the thought of hanging around people that I don't like came up. Ugh I really don't wanna go to school but I have to. All those people are searching for attention from me and I don't even like it. I drove into the school parking lot and parked my car somewhere. I stepped out of my car, went into the school directly to my locker.

I didn't have any classes with Mason today I think so I'm fine. The first 2 periods were slowly but also going fast. It was now lunch and I spotted Mason in the halway. It looked like he was searching for someone, I hope it is not me cause I don't want to talk to that guy.

Mason saw me and walked towards me, just what I didn't want too.


It's a little bit of a short chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed it tho.

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