Lockheart ~ Y4

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After contacting all my friends and receiving letters back, I've decided to meet the Weasleys in Diagon Alley to do all of our shopping and then I'll spend the rest of the summer there.

I packed all of my stuff up, and sent an owl to the Weasley to let them know I was on my way to Diagon Alley. I send my luggage through the flow powder and get in the car with Tom.

We drive to London and he parks a block down from the Leaky Cauldron. I thank him, give him a hug and walk over to the pub.

I enter the dim room and swiftly walk through the pub with my head down as to avoid conversations with others.

I step out to the back and pull out my wand and tap the brick wall. The bricks shift and reveal the very busy streets. I walk through and begin looking for anyone I recognize.

I eventually spot a group of red headed people ahead and I rush forward and greet the group of people I call my family.

"Jordan!" George says as I fling myself into his arms. I squeeze him back. He lets go and lets me hug Fred next.

"Oh dear we are so glad to see you again," Mrs. Weasley says coming forward to hug me. I hug her back.

"Thank you so much again for letting me and Harry stay with you," I say to her and her husband.

"Of course dear," she smiles. "Now let's get going, it's about to start. " I look at the twins confused.

"Late for what?" I ask.

"No idea," George says as we follow his family into Flourish and Blotts. Just after walking in, Hermione Granger and Harry walk in behind.

"Hey Harry," I say giving him a side hug. He hugs me back and I notice the soot covering his robes.

"What happened to....."

"Oh Harry, there you are! Glad you're alright," Molly says as he begins to dust off his robes. "Come on."

Me and the others thread our way through a chattering throng of middle age ladies, all craning their necks for a view of Lockhart, who sits signing books at the rear of the shop. At the sight of him, Mrs. Weasley pats her hair.

"Mum fancies him," Ron whispers to Harry and Jordan. For this, Mrs. Weasley gives Ron a jab in the shoulder. A SHORT MAN WITH A CAMERA bumps past.

"Out of the way! This is for The Daily Prophet!" he says as he holds up his camera. Instantly, Lockhart looks up, flashes a smile, when...

"It can't be Jordan and Harry Potter?" The crowd around us whispers excitedly as the photographer yanks on mine and Harry's arm and drags us over to Lockheart.

"Nice big smile you two. Together, the three of us make the front page.Ladies and gentlemen! What an extraordinary moment this is! When young Harry and Jordan here stepped into Flourish and Blotts this morning to purchase my autobiography, Magical Me -- which, incidentally is celebrating its twenty-seventh week atop The Daily Prophet's Bestseller List -- they had no idea that they would, in fact, be leaving with my entire collected works! Free of charge!" The camera flashes as the crowd gasps and Lockheart hands me and Harry a large stack of books each. I slip away and Harry follows, both of us unsure of what to say.

I watch as Harry hands the books to Ginny, telling her to keep them. I turn to Ron and do the same. He smiles in thanks and then looks down at the book cover to see a smiling Lockheart waving at him. Ron's smile fades and the boys and I giggle.

"Let's go," I say, already sick of Lockheart and the crowd. Molly stays back to sign the books and Harry starts to lead the group out of the store when Draco Malfoy stops Harry at the door.

The Girl Who Lived // Wizarding World FanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя