The Mirror ~ Y3

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I'm in my dormitory getting ready. Today I am going to Hogsmead with Rolf. Angelina and Katie were static when they heard and kept asking me to tell them everything when I come back. I have my favorite black jeans on with my grey Hogwarts hoodie. My hair is slightly curled and I have a tiny bit of makeup on. 

I head down into the common room to find Fred and George sitting seriously on the couches.

"What?" I ask them.

"Nothing," they say creepily. I roll my eyes and head out to meet Rolf.

I see him waiting by the water fountain while Professor McGonagal is collecting the permission slips. I hand her mine and head over to Rold.

"Hey you," I say.

"Hey Jordan, you look great," he says.

"Thanks," I say blushing.

We head down to Hogsmead with the rest of the people and we chat along the way.

"Do you want a butterbeer?" he asks me.


"He leads me to the Three Broomsticks. We find a table and he walks off to order. I look outside to see two sets of eyes and red hair in the window.

"Oh my gosh," I whisper to myself. The twins disappear when they saw that I noticed them. Rolf comes back with the drinks and hands one to me.

"Thanks," I say. We drink the warm drink and talk a lot. We decide after a few hours of wandering around to head back to the castle.

He leads me up to the common room entrance.

"Thanks, Rolf, I had a lot of fun," I say.

"Yeah me too," he says. I peck him on his cheek and enter the common room, my heart pounding. I see Fred and George sitting in the same spot they were before.

"You were spying on me," I say as I sit down.

"What?" George says trying to sound offended.

"We would never invade your privacy like that," Fred insisted.

"Uh-huh," I say not believing them. We burst into laughter. I roll my eyes as I head up to my dormitory.


Christmas comes and a thin layer of snow covers the Hogwarts grounds. We all stay for Christmas except Hermione.

I get a letter from Dumbledore one morning requesting me in his office. I head up and knock on his door. It swings open. I step in and see Dumbledore at his desk.

"Jordan, how are you?" he asks me.

"Fine sir," I reply.

"Good. Jordan I was wondering if you still had your father's cloak I gave you," he asks me standing up. I nod in response.

"I understand it has become a good use to you, but I was going to suggest that you pass it along to Harry. I understand he has had a hard time with the truth about your patents death."

"Yes sir he has, and I will gift it to him," I say. Dumbledor smiles.

"I've been meaning to ask you Jordan if any of your episodes have occurred since we last spoke about them?"

"Yes sir, only once. It was just a dream I had. I heard Voledormort murdering my parents and, and calling my name," I explain. Dumbledore nods his head.

"I am sorry that I cannot be a better use to you Jordan," he says sadly.

"Thank you, sir," I say walking towards the door. "Merry Christmas."


Christmas morning comes and I can hear the boys downstairs. Harry has a Weasley sweater on and he and Ron are acting shocked about something.

"Is everything ok?" I ask.

"Jordan look what I got!" I turn to see only Harry's head. I start laughing.

"I wonder who gave it to you," Ron says looking at it as harry takes it off.

"I did." The boys look at me. "Thant was our fathers, Harry. I decided to give it to you. Merry Christmas." Harry hugs me and continues to mess around with it.

For the rest of the day, me, Cedric, Ron, Harry, the twins, Rolf, and Percy play outside in the snow. We have endless snowball fights and we all ganged up on Percy and launched him with snow. It was funny. Well, Percy didn't think so. He went inside after that. We stayed out until it got dark and then decided to play some chess. Slowly, we all started to go to bed.

I say goodnight to everyone and then go to bed. But not long later I am woken up.

"Jordan wake up I have to show you something!"


"Come on!"

I throw on my Weasley sweater and Harry pulls me out of the common room.

"Here get under."

I get under the invisibility cloak and Harry takes us down a long corridor until we reach a door. He opens it and we go inside. He closes the door and takes off the cloak and runs over to a mirror standing in the room.

"Jordan, come stand right here," Harry orders.

"Harry, what are we doing?"

"Please," he begs. I sigh and step in front of it. Nothing at first. But then I see two figures appear to be hind me. I turn around but see no one. I step closer and start to make out the figures.

It's my parents.

"Mum? Dad?" They nod in the mirror and I can feel a tear fall down my face. Harry smiles and stands next to me. They smile at him.

We sit down and watch our parents.

"Harry, how did you find this?"

" Well, I went to the restricted section in the library to look for anything on Nicolas Flamel," he explains.


"Nothing. Filtch came and I ran. I almost ran right into Snape and Quirrell. I hid in here and found this," Harry finishes. I nod.


They next day we play out in the snow more. Me, the twins and Cedric snuck off. I forgot the map and we got lost down a corridor we had next seen before. We open the nearest door and head inside.

To our astonishment, we discover the house elves. We watch as they start cooking the feast for tonight.

"Boys, I believe we just found the kitchens," I say. I turn around to find all three of them gladly accepting food from the elves.


That night Harry tells me he's going back to the mirror. I hesitate, but then agree to go with him.

I slip under the cloak and head towards the room with the mirror. We find it and we sit and watch our parents.

"Back again?" Me and Harry spin around to find Professor Dumbledor. We stand up quickly ready to explain ourselves but he keeps talking.

"I see that you two, like so many before you, have discovered the delights of the Mirror of Erised. I trust by now you realize what it does. Let me give you a clue. The happiest man on earth would look into the mirror and see only himself, exactly as he is," the old man says.

"So, then it shows us what we want? Whatever we want?" I say.

"Yes...and no. It shows us nothing more or less than the deepest, most desperate desires of our hearts. Now you two, who have never known your family, you see them standing beside you. But remember this. This mirror gives us neither knowledge or truth. Men have wasted away in front of it, even gone mad. That is why tomorrow it will be moved to a new home, and I must ask you not to go looking for it again. It does not do to dwell on dreams, and forget to live," Dumbledor says. Me and Harry look back at the mirror one last time, knowing Dumbledore is right.


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