Extra Chapter

536 21 4

What If?

Summary: In a world where the apocalypse never happened, you simply live your life as a regular college student.

Warnings: nsfw, fem!reader, vaginal fingering, oral sex, praising (good girl).

a/n: This is it, the final chapter of my first series. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to every single one of you who took the time to read this, it means the world to me.


"Ok everybody, let's take five minutes to hydrate and rest!" You say excitedly, shuffling your pom-poms around. Cheerleading practice has always been one of your favorite activities, especially on days like these, when finals are over and the only event left is the big game.

You grab a towel from your bag and begin patting your forehead, getting rid of the sweat drops before they can make it to your eyes. A hand touches your shoulder gently and you turn around to see Nanaba, one of the main players on the football team.

She offers you a bottle of your favorite Gatorade flavor and you smile at her in return. The liquid slides down your throat and you can't help but moan happily. You can tell she is about to make some sort of joke but the voice dies in her throat.

"Are you ok?" You ask and she nods, pointing at the figure rushing towards you at full speed.

"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!" Hanji screams from the top of her lungs.

You watch as she trips over her untied laces and falls to the ground, her backpack striking her head at full force. Before anyone could offer her help, she was already back on her feet and cleaning the dirt off of her clothes, clearly laughing at herself.

When she's close enough, she wraps her arms around you, pulling you in for an embrace as if you hadn't seen each other in years when, in fact, it had been 15 hours.

"What are you doing here?" You ask, picking out a few specks of dirt out of her hair. With a smile, she pulls away and positions her backpack in front of her body, supporting it with her knee.

"I wanted to make sure you were eating!" She says, pulling crumbled papers out of the bag and throwing them on the floor. It takes a few seconds but she finally finds what she was looking for: an energy drink and some protein snacks.

You feel your cheeks burn. She hands you the food and you gladly take it, not wanting to admit that you forgot to eat before training. Hanji makes a point to touch your hand before you take the food away.

"Thank you." You say and she nods, giving you a quick peck on the lips.

"I want you at your best." She responds, closing the bag and hooping her arm against the right strap. You look down at your white shoes, hoping to hide a bit of the embarrassment you are feeling but she quickly places her fingers underneath your chin, propping your head back up. "I'll be watching from the bleachers."

"For emotional support?" You ask, watching as she runs towards the empty seats.

"ALWAYS!" Is her response and you laugh.

"All right everyone, from the top!" You scream, turning around and waving your pom-poms around. A wave of grunts fills your ears in response but they get into position nevertheless.

You press the button on your phone screen and the blaring sound escapes the speakers, the song begins playing once more, a contagious rhythm mixed with the fashionable choreography.

The routine itself wasn't demanding until the very few beats of the song where the squad had to throw you in the air and catch you in a pyramid. You still hadn't gotten that one final movement correctly and the idea itself was enough to freak you out.

The Infected - Hanji ZoeWhere stories live. Discover now