Ending 1

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The Bad Place

Summary: With the end finally in sight, will everything turn out just like you wanted it to?

a/n: Welcome to the bad ending of The Infected. Thank you for reading my story and, after the endings, there will be one extra chapter. Comments about your thoughts are more than appreciated <3


A green light comes from the locked container and you realize this is it. One drop of your blood and all this nightmare would soon come to an end. You could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and a chance of a normal life is once more within your reach.

"We're going to be free! Can you believe it?" You say, excited to be sharing this moment with the person you love most in the whole world. Before she has time to respond, you sprint towards the metal box in the middle of the room, hoping that Hanji would follow closely behind.

"ARE YOU READY?" Moblit screams from the other room. As you place the necklace on the keyhole, you give your girlfriend the sign so she can yell back in response.

"Why don't you do the honors?" She asks, though you don't realize she looks weaker than usual. She doesn't have the energy to scream but you are too pumped with adrenaline to notice and so you do scream back at Moblit.

"PRESS THE BUTTON." You say with a smile stamped on your face.

"3, 2, 1." Moblit counts to make sure you turn the key at the exact same time the button has been pressed. Immediately, the metal box opens with a hissing sound and a decent amount of smoke. It looked nearly like something out of a movie.

Carefully, you reach inside to find a glass cylinder and, in it, a green liquid, just like the holographic image of your mother said. This is it, the answer to all your problems: the cure to eliminate all of the undead.

You notice that a smile has taken over Hanji's features, though it isn't the usual bright kind. It has a depressing gloom to it, much to your despair because it means she doesn't have good news, though you have no idea what it could be.

"Are you ok?" You ask, reaching for her covered wrist and she grunts, pulling it away. Your heart sinks in your chest once realization dawns on you. "No."

"I'm sorry." She says, pulling up the sleeve to reveal a bite mark. It looked like it had been a few hours old, maybe eight. It looks like she was bitten when you were outside of the lab, before crawling through the vents. It's a miracle she was able to last this long without slipping away.

"Hey, did you guys find the cure?" Moblit's voice echoes from the other room, he rushes in with a few pieces of paper in his hands. He stops in his tracks, the smile once stamped on his face now gone as he notices the mark.

"Yeah. I found the cure." You say, angrily shaking the vial filled with a green liquid. In a rushed decision, you nearly throw the container on the ground so it would break with ease but you realize that doing so would result in the loss of the contents, seeing as the liquid had yet to come in contact with your blood.

Trembling hands now bring the object close to your chest as you fall to your knees, the tears you had been trying so hard to hold back begin to roll down your face, soaking your skin and the cloth of your shirt in the process.

Hanji kneels beside you and attempts to touch your shoulder, though your immediate reaction is to move it away. For the first time, you decided that you wanted nothing to do with her, even if it was the most ridiculous of lies.

"Maybe we can amputate. Like Erwin." Moblit suggests, his voice shaking almost as much as his hands.

"It's been going around in her veins for hours, it looks like it already reached her heart." You snap at him. His only reasoning is to give you any shred of hope he can find though he soon realizes that it is too late.

The Infected - Hanji ZoeWhere stories live. Discover now