Chapter 15

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Once and For All

Summary: After Moblit's plan works, you decide to explore your mother's old office. What a terrible decision that was.


For the first time since the apocalypse started, you feel like you can breathe. The cold, metal room somehow feels a lot lighter than before now that the red tint is completely gone. For a minute, you all stand still, waiting to make sure Moblit's hacking was effective.

You can see as his pupils move at an incredibly fast rate, words reflecting on his eyes as he continues to go through the security codes necessary to stop the a.i from restarting itself. The robot-like creature hasn't attempted to do so and Moblit works his hardest to make sure things stay that way.

When the brown-haired man gives a positive sign that his tactics worked, you let out a long, deep sigh that had been sitting in the back of your throat since God knows when. You can feel it in your body as the nightmares that were once constantly active on the back of your brain fade away and you realize that there is no one controlling your thoughts or emotions anymore.

"I don't think we need a plan." He says, wiping away a droplet of sweat that falls in his eye. "There was a safety mechanism that allowed me to get into her system and delete the file where her consciousness was residing."

"So, we're free?" Hanji asks, a knife in hand as she cuts through the ropes that bound Levi in place. The movements of her hands are fast as she desperately wants to get to you though she still finds a way to be careful enough not to cut the black-haired man, knowing full well he would probably kill her if she injured him.

Once he is free, she hands him the sharp knife so he can begin setting Erwin free, who patiently awaits with his one arm tied to the chair.

"Are you alright?" He inquires and the blonde man smiles. The gray in Levi's eyes is reduced and a light that was long extinguished reappears, one hand on Erwin's shoulder while the other uses the knife to cut him free.

"Were you worried about me, Levi?" He teases and for a slight second, if you just paid the right amount of attention, you would be able to see as a blush spread across the shorter man's cheeks.

"Tsk." Is all he says in response, lowering his head to focus on his movements though, hidden on the part of his face that is now covered by a shadow, resides a smile.

After assisting them, Hanji rushes towards you at full speed. Her breathing is shallow and you can see it in her eyes how terrified she really is. Neither of you say anything about.

When the handcuffs finally come undone, you find yourself sitting up on the slab. Right hand rubbing your sore left wrist, a circular mark left behind on your skin from the cuffs being too tight, it was nearly enough to turn the area into a different color.

As your feet touch the ground and you stand up for the first time in a while, Hanji runs to your embrace and, in pure ecstasy, you lift her off the ground and spin her body around.

"Baby, I didn't mean any of that, I am so sorry." She pleads desperately and you laugh, not because what she said is funny but mostly as a trauma response mixed with the joy of seeing her alive by your side.

"For a second I really believed that you were in love with her but then I remembered the promise you made me." You reassure her. Your arms wrapped around her waist while her hands rest behind your neck. Slowly, she slides one of them towards your cheek, the cold sensation of her skin contrasting with the warmth exhaling from you. "You promised we would live through this together."

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