Chapter 13

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Secrets In The Lab

Summary: Once in the lab, you are finally one step closer to getting the answers to all of your questions.


The figure standing in front of you points with his head towards the cold, empty chairs made out of metal. The object scratches the floor as you sit down and, before you have the time to fully understand what he is doing, the man reaches for your bag that now rests on the floor and pulls out the long ropes you had in it.

"This is very impolite of me but it is just a formality." He says as he begins to tie you up. He slowly goes one by one, making sure the rope is securing you in place.

After the man finishes tying you and your friends to the chairs, he places his hands behind his back before starting to walk towards a white board placed in the center of the room. His posture reminds you of a teacher before his class.

But before he can open his mouth, a pounding pain starts to form in the back of your head, spreading all over your brain. A familiar voice begins to scream your name and tells you to find it, pleading for your help though you cannot decipher what it means.

The man now walks closer to your friends and begins to pat down Erwin, removing his beloved guns from their designated spots within his clothing. He counts a total of five guns before asking if those were it and the tied up man nods, tears shining in his eyes as he fears he would never see them again.

"First and foremost, welcome to Marley Inc. A laboratory funded by the government in an attempt to develop viruses that would potentially change the way we live." The blond man says before introducing himself. "My name is Zeke." The man announces, "Zeke Yeager. You have met my little brother, Eren."

"Fucking monkey boy?" Levi says, wrestling against the ropes that hold his hands together. "This fucking guy was in my ethics class last semester, motherfucker had not a single shred of humanity within his body."

"Oh Levi, such a foul mouth." Zeke says, playfully touching the short man's cheeks who roars in response, trying to bite the blonde man's finger with no success. "And I told you not to call me monkey boy anymore."

"That was how you introduced yourself to the class, it's not my fault it stuck." Levi says, a serious expression on his face as he taunts Zeke. "Monkey boy."

Before you have time to say anything else, the blonde man has formed a fist with his dominant hand and reached for Levi's face, striking his cheek and drawing blood off of his mouth. The warm liquid drips down his face and Zeke's hand.

"You will regret this." Levi mumbles underneath his breath and the other man either decides to ignore him or he did not hear his words.

A confused expression takes over your features, "Eren was your little brother?"

"What do you mean "was"?" Zeke asks, unaware of the fate his little brother has succumbed to.

"He was bitten." Erwin says with a serious expression on his face. The other blonde man's face does not so much as twitch when hearing about his brother's demise. He remains silent for a few seconds before speaking up once more.

"That's a shame." Is all he says about the subject. "Now are you prepared to learn the truth?" He asks, shaking his hand causing Levi's fresh blood to splatter on the floor. Levi remains quiet, biting back his tongue while shooting daggers at the man who stands before you all. He knows this is more important than some college rivalry.

"What is the virus?" Moblit is the first to ask, his voice is quiet but still firm. A smile on his lips, Zeke removes the knife that you once had in your pocket while throwing it in the air and catching it before it hits the ground.

The Infected - Hanji ZoeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora