prologue or whatever its callrd

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A normal day for Donald Trump started off with him verbally abusing his wife and then sitting on his GIANT couch, while watching FOX news and eating lays.

That was pretty much all he would do, ever since he had lost the election back in 2020 he hasn't been out of his house since. You could say Trump was in a depressive state, after losing to Biden, his former secret lover, he hasn't been able to recover since.
It was too much of an embarrassment for him, and everywhere he goes he feels publicly humiliated.

"MELANA OR WHATEVER UR NAME IS GET ME SOME MORE LAYS!" Trump yells to his beloved wife, Melanainsu Trump.

"ofc dear 🙂." at times, Melania scared Trump. Why? Because she's a bit TOO nice to him at times. Even when he is yelling his orange ass off at her, she still treats him with kindness. It intimidated trump, so that's why he has never told her about his...
Gay Past... With all the men he had dated before and  during their marriage, she was bound to flip if she were to find out.

At times Trump felt guilty, not about cheating on his wife, but about keeping the truth from her. The truth of him being 110% fruity. Mlenaians would always accuse him of sleeping with other women, but that really wasn't the case.

(example from last year:)
"Trump! I know you slept with your assistant goddamnit!"
Trump, being the fruity pebble he is, looked at Melana with confusion.
"bitch tf you mean ?? why would i sleep with her? all she's good for is bringing me my daily starbucks order... which is the rainbow frappuccino."

(y'all i'm sorry 😭)

"WELL I SAW SHE HAD A BIG ASS HICKEY ON HER NECK! AND YOU DO TOO! IM NOT DUMB YKNOW!" Melanana snapped, and crossed her arms #mad #girlboss

Trump was about to argue back, but figured it'd be better to remain silent. He so desperately wnated to tell her the hickey was from jOe... But then again... He coudodnt.........

(back to present)

Melaniajssn gives trumpie the bag of lays, he absolutely devours them. Trump continues to obliterate the lay chips, until he gets a phone call.. Startled, trump jumps at the noise. He goes to check who could be calllinf him, the name on the phone shcoked him.. He answered immediately.


Unexpectedly, 2 voices spoke at the same time. He recognized the 2 voices..

They were his 2 enemies.....

Obama and Elon musk.

They needed something from him.


thanks for reading , more parts coming out soon lol

y'all idk why i made elon musk his enemy he was the first person that came to mind 💀

also to ppl who have read my stories before, i took a long break since my wattpad phase went away

but it's back now 🥲 so that means i'm back now
send help

[ENEMIES TO LOVERS/SMUT] Trump x Elon Musk x ObamaWhere stories live. Discover now