Girlfriends locked in a highschool.

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"Hold me." She ordered.
Even though it was just a whisper, I obeyed as if she had screamed it.
I grabbed her waist with one hand and placed the other hand on her back. Using it to push her even closer to me.

"Just kiss me already." I pleaded, begging for more of her touch.
She ran her hand through my black hair.
"Okay... if that's what you want princess."

Our lips collided and if it was even possible, it felt even better than the last time they had met.
My hand that was on her back slipped up her shirt and rested on her bare skin.

I rubbed circles on her back as her tongue entered my mouth and her hand sliding down from my head down  under my arm. She held me there, her hand not far from my breast.

All I cared about was her, all I saw was her, all I thought about was her.

Our lips separated for a moment so we could catch our breath. We stood there looking at each other and gasping for breath.

I leaned in again to kiss her, but this time her hand flew up, pushing on my chest lightly to stop me.
"Wait..." She said. Her eyes widened with fear. "What time is it?"
I checked my phone. "Almost 4. Why?"
"Dont the doors lock by 3:30?'

My heart dropped as she said this.
We both walked out of the closet.
The halls were empty and quieter than we had ever seen them.
Alya walked over to the big front doors and tried to push one open.
It didn't budge.
"Shit!" She swore, walking back to me.
I took her hand in mine, caressing it.
"It'll be alright... we can walk around to see of anyone's still here, and if not, we can call the police or something."
She nodded, taking a deep breath.

Alya and I walked through the school, holding hands and listening to the sounds of our footsteps.
As we approached mathclass, Alya pulled my arm.
I followed her into the room. Her hand slid out of my grasp as she walked to her seat.
She moved our desks closer together and pulled her chair out.
"Have a seat love." She said.
I blushed and smiled at the name she called me. I obeyed and sat down next to her. I also pulled my chair out a bit.
She leaned back and rested her head in my lap. Her brown hair flowed down over my knee like a waterfall.
I softly ran my fingers across the outline of her pretty face.
She stared up at me. Her eyes darted to look at every part of my body within her line of sight.
One of her hands reached up and pulled my lips down to hers. It was just a small kiss. But it felt different than any small kiss Avery had ever given me. Not just different... Better.

I opened my mouth to tell her something. To tell her that I loved her. That I only cared about her and that she had a spell over me. A spell that made me obsessed with her.
Before I could say any of those things, she brought a finger to her lips, signalling for me to stay silent.
She looked towards the door, I looked there too, confused.
She shook her head. "Sorry, I thought I heard someone." She said, shrugging. "Anyways, were you going to say something?"
"Uh, no, I wasn't." I chickened out.

Suddenly, Alya raised her head from my lap and stood up. "Let's run through the halls." She grinned.
I got up too. It sounded fun.
I took her hand and we walked out of math class together.
We backed up a bit, and ran.
The once silent halls soon were full of our rapid footsteps and laughter. We rounded a corner, and then another. We ran around the whole school.
Eventually, we stopped, both of us out of breath and exhausted.
Alya and I laughed while we caught our breath.

"Girls!" A stern voice called out from behind us. It was Ms. Lillian. "What on earth are you two doing here this late?"
"We- I-" I stammered.
Alya interrupted me. "We got locked in. We were in the library looking at books and we lost track of time." Alya was certainly a better liar than I was.
"I see." Ms. Lilian said, walking towards us. And what books did you take out?"
"We didn't take anything out, we read there."
Ms. Lillian furrowed her eyebrows. "And would you mind showing me these books you read?"
I glanced nervously at both of the women before me. Alya, on the other hand, didn't seem nervous at all.
"Sure. Follow me."
She led us into the library and into the fantasy section and pulled out two copies of the same book.
"We read this." She said. She then told Ms. Lillian the plot, name of the main character, and her favorite part of the book. I was greatly impressed.
Ms. Lillian shrugged. "Aright, I'll unlock the doors and you girls can leave." She said, pulling a keychain out of her pocket.
Alya and I followed her all the way back to the front doors, we collected our things out of our lockers on the way there.
"Alright Girls, have a good day." Ms. Lillian said after opening the doors for us. "Get home safe now."
"Thanks, you too." I replied.

Ms. Lillian went back into the building and Aly and I walked down the steps that led up to the school.
"That was a close one." Alya laughed.
I nodded. "You're a good Liar." I said.
"Thanks?" She chuckled, rolling her beautiful eyes.

Alya walked me to the bus stop and waited with me, holding my hand.
The bus pulled up and it was time for us to part ways. Alya stood up with me.
"Bye." She said sadly, hugging me.
"Bye. I'll see you at school tomorrow." She nodded.
I got onto the bus and sat down.
The bus started moving and Alya started walking down the sidewalk. I pressed my face against the window and watched her until the bus turned a corner and she was hidden from my point of veiw.

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