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It was the next day and I had already  told wren all about what happened with me and Alya in the janitors closet.
"So, you're like, dating now?" She asked me.
My smile faded a bit. "I mean, not officially, she had to leave for class and we haven't gotten to talk again yet."
"Well, you can talk to her at school today!" She squealed.
I nodded.
"Speaking of, I have to go, see you soon!"

I ended the call and put my phone in my bag.
I was almost late for school. I was to impatient to wait to tell Wren about the moment between Alya and I.


I nearly skipped to the bus stop that's how happy I was.
I couldn't take my mind of Alya, and the way she kissed me... No one had ever made me feel like that before.

I thought about her while I waited for the bus, then I thought about her some more while I rode the bus.

I nearly sprinted into my high school, I couldn't wait to see her.
I skidded to a stop in front of my locker. my veiw of her was blocked by two people that were using some of the lockers in between us. Soon enough, they moved and I could see her clearly.

I watched Alya as she rummaged through her locker, she wasn't paying attention to me, I could stare all I wanted.
As she was pulling some things out, she dropped a pencil sharpener. She bent over to pick it up, her backside facing me. Her plad skirt slid up a bit. My cheeks flushed bright red.
She stood up and turned her head to look at me. "Like what you see?" She flashed a smile and winked before walking away.

I watched her in shock. My mouth hung  open and eventually my lips curved up into a smile. I shook my head and laughed to myself.
For once in my life, I wasn't upset that math was the first class of the day.

Alya was already in her seat when I entered class. She was leaned back in her seat with her arms crossed on her chest. Her eyes followed me as I made my way to my seat next to her.
Our eyes met as I sat down. She looked me up and down and bit her bottom lip slightly. She looked away from me. A few seconds later, I followed suit and looked away from her.

Everything that came out of Mr. Graysons mouth was nonsense to me. More than it usually was.
He was rambling somthing about "Reading page 298 to 306." When someone pushed a note onto my desk.
I quickly grabbed it and hid it on my lap.
After making sure no one was watching, I opened it.

What were you staring at earlier by the lockers?

- A.B. ♡

I smiled at the heart she doodled next to her initials. I looked at Alya. She seemed to be looking at Mr. Grayson, but I saw her look at me out of the corner of her eye.

I flipped Alya's note over to write on the other side.
I decided I would be a little flirtatious too.

Because you're the prettiest girl I know...

I slipped the note onto her desk.
Her head was propped up by her hand, she didn't notice the note. Thankfully no one else did either.
I watched her for a while more, waiting for her to see it and pick it up. It didn't happen.

I reached for the closest part of her, her  thigh, and placed my hand on it to get her attention. She didn't notice still. It was at this point that I realized, she was asleep. I felt kind of stupid, but I moved past that and started trying to wake her up.

I rubbed my hand up and down her thigh... caressing it almost.
Her head rose from her desk and looked at me.
"Uh... you were asleep." I took my hand off of her thigh. "And I left a note."
"Thanks." She whispered.

She opened the note. Smiling as she read it.
She looked back at me and blew me a kiss.


The rest of school was spent without Alya, but thankfully, school was over. I looked for her in the halls. I failed at doing so, but I did find Wren.
"Hi." She said. She was standing with Lucas.
"Hey. Have you seen Alya?" I asked.
"No, sorry." She shook her head.
"Oh, that's alright."
"I'll be walking home with Lucas. Is that okay?" She questioned before I walked away.
"Yeah, that's alright."

A few moments later, I saw Alya standing by the janitors closet. The Same closet we had kissed in the day prior.
I walked towards her.
She smirked when she saw me, opening the door and disappearing inside before I could reach her.

I ran and followed her in.
I closed the door behind me.
"Lock the door." She ordered.
She laughed at my question. "Well, I don't want anyone walking in while I'm making out with you."
My face grew pink and my heart beat with excitement as I turned away from her to lock the door.

She walked closer to me, smoothly sliding a mop bucket out of the way with her foot as she did so. Not once did her eyes stray from my body.
"So... did you like rubbing my thigh in class today?"
My eyes widened, but I kept it cool. "Did you?" I asked. Smirking.
She laughed, shaking her head.
"I did, actually."
She reached me and cupped my face in her hands. Her body was up against mine. Chest to chest. Our shoes were touching.
"And I loved your little note." She whispered in my ear. "Am I really the prettiest girl you know?"
She moved so our lips were less than an inch away from kissing.
Her eyes stared into mine as one of her hands slid up my head to play with my hair.
"Y-yes." I whispered. My heart beat escalated.


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