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There are twelve numbers on a clock,

Twelve months in a complete year.

Twelve hours in half a day.

Twelve letters in my twelve hands,

Twelve personalities that wrote the letters,

Twelve lovers to send them to.

Twelve lives I live as twelve people,

Twelve green mushrooms I have eaten.

Twelve legs on my twelve dogs,

Twelve tails which they think with.

Twelve tails which I think with,

Twelve women who should think with me.

The twelfth moon of Jupiter is Lysithea,

I can't pronounce that so I call it Twelve.

There are twelve branches on the tree I have grown,

Twelve back yards in which I have grown it.

Twelve snakes in my twelve cages,

Twelve hamsters they are eating.

Twelve husbands I was once was,

Twelve wives I miss so dearly.

Twelve schools I went to as a child,

Twelve teachers I forgot about.

Twelve friends I have never had,

Twelve sports I played alone.

Twelve blades have made twelve scars,

Twelve fights with myself.

I have said twelve too many times now,

Twelve sounds funny.


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