That Genshin AU nobody wanted (Vmon)(Genshin AU)(NSFW)

Start from the beginning

Namjoon had found it cute, sweet even. It had been such a long time since anybody had attempted to do anything to impress him, or to just bond with him over something because that was what it was.

Yes, the people of Liyue had prayed to him, they had given him sacrifices, but that wasn't really to him. It was for Morax... for Rex Lapis, for the god version of him, not him as a person.

They had been flirting, they had been more than that. Namjoon had thought that when he finally retired from being Rex Lapis, he would have somebody to retire with. He would have told Taehyung about the entire god thing, and then find out together how to move forward.

Of course, that had all been based on the idea that Taehyung wasn't lying to him, that he really was in Liyue to oversee the Fatui's activities in the city, not to steal Namjoon's godhood from him. Had he known all along that Namjoon was Morax? Had everything been a lie? Had... their night together been a lie?

It had been the day before everything had gone crazy, their lunch had somehow turned into a date, they would be doing the funeral rights for Morax... himself... the next day, that was meant to be the end chapter of him being an active god.

He had let himself indulge more than he planned, but he hadn't seen why it mattered, he would tell Taehyung the truth after everything. He had just meant to let Taehyung walk him home. The date had become dinner, dinner had meant it was dark outside, so Taehyung had offered to walk Namjoon home.

It was far from the first time that he had offered it, but it was the first time that Namjoon had accepted it. The osmanthus wine they had shared during the meal made him feel warm and pleasantly happy, it reminded him of earlier times when he had been consuming the wine, and it was the first time in many years he didn't feel lonely while doing it.

It was a good feeling.

It was also why he agreed for it to happen.

They had been flirting, it was clear they were aiming to be more, but when Taehyung kissed him, Namjoon was still somehow surprised. Taehyung was so blatant about, so straightforward, but always made sure that Namjoon agreed with every step of the way.

Maybe they were going too fast, well they were definitly going too fast for somebody who was as old as Namjoon was. He still hadn't even told Taehyung who he really was, and he really should do that before jumping into bed with him, but it was so easy to just let the other man guide him back to Namjoon's bedroom right next to the funeral parlour. From there one thing easily led to another, kisses went from soft and searching, to eager and needy.

It was a need that Namjoon had honestly thought he would never feel again, a need and a want that he thought died with... her.

He felt more alive than ever, he really should tell Taehyung who he was, that he was Rex Lapis, that he was the god of contracts, but at that moment, he just felt like Namjoon, he had already decided that he wanted to give up his godhood, and he trusted that nothing would change, after all, he would still be Namjoon.

Yes, Taehyung was fatui, he was a harbringer, but he was also a sweet man that cared about his family, that told stories of loud sisters and eager younger brothers. One evening, just a few weeks before, as they had gotten to know each other, when they had finally started to trust each other, Taehyung had opened about how he didn't tell his family that he was in the fatui, that while his parents knew, his children thought he was a travelling salesman.

It was the first time that Namjoon felt that they were really getting somewhere, that this wasn't just them both being nice to each other because that was expected from them, but instead because they wanted to. They talked because they wanted to talk, they came together because that was what they were both looking forward to. That was the highlight of their day, and slowly, Namjoon had fallen in love, and he had told himself, been convinced that it was the same for Taehyung, that they were in this together, that they had an endgame.

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