[23] Our Life After The Chase

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It was one month after the case ended and they were picking out Echiko's dress for her wedding. "You look fabulous in that dress girl! This is the dress!" Hoshiko complimented her which made her even shy. "That dress is so fluffy!" Sora smiles while pointing at the dress that Echiko wears. "That's the only reason on why you like it, Sora?"

Sora shrugged and hummed. "Well the other dresses look good on you too but this hits different because it's fluffy. What do you think boys?"

"You look beautiful Echiko chan!" Hayato hyped her up while Takumi gave her a thumbs up before saying "I approve this one 100% and I bet Gordon would have said the same thing."

After their case ended, they reconcile with each other and became friends again. It was a big step especially for Gordon to forgive Sora and Takumi but it was worth it. Unfortunately the day Echiko wanted to pick a dress, is the day Gordon got a photoshoot to take care of so he couldn't be there.

Ryo cleared his throat and glared at the two. "That's enough from you two. You should go change, I don't want anyone else to lay their eyes on you." The workers gossiped about how protective Ryo was and Echiko couldn't help but blush. "Oh for god sake, don't say something cringy now." Sora acted disgusted and going to pass out on Hoshiko's arms. Ryo crosses his arm before asking "Aren't your Yuki cringier than I am?"

"Shut up Yoshizawa, at least he-" She didn't manage to finish her sentence when her phone rang. It was from Yuki. "Hah! Speaking of him." Ryo looked happy when he wins their fight. "Wait, isn't he out there?" Hayato asked and they all turned to look at Yuki who was waving to them from outside, holding what seems like coffee for all of them.

Sora picked up and put it on speaker. "Sora~ they won't let me in~" He whined making her sighs and face palm herself in her mind. "Obviously, genius. Who in the right mind would bring coffee inside a bridal shop?" Sora said sarcastically as she hung up the phone. She went outside to go see Yuki. "Sorry." Yuki pouted when she had glared at him.

"Go inside, I'll wait out here with the coffee and I'm pretty sure Echiko will be choosing that dress so go and see it." She sat on a bench nearby since it was a shopping mall and it wasn't hard to find. Yuki nodded and walked away. Assuming he was already in, she started to put a straw in her drink and sips it while turning on her phone.

"Wahhh Echiko chan~ you look beautiful and that dress looks fluffy." Yuki excitedly exclaimed while pointing at her dress. "Thank you but seriously? You and Sora think alike and it scares me."

"E-Eh?" Yuki looked confused so Hoshiko patted down a seat next to her to explain the situation to him. "Sora said the same thing that dress is fluffy." He nodded, finally understanding the situation. "Sorry, Echiko chan but you look amazing anyways~"

"Too much of a compliment, huh Yuki?" Ryo started to feel uneasy and annoyed. "Of course. Besides, I kind of knew her longer than you so don't act up on me now." Yuki teased him and all of them laughed except Ryo who was holding in his anger. "I've got to keep Sora company now so you and Ryo can settle the dress stuff. I'll meet you guys outside!" He waved goodbye to them and rushed outside.

"It's not even been a minute that he came inside." Hayato looks stunned by Yuki's action. "He's obsessed with Sora, you should know that by now. Let's go outside and settle our things as bridesmaid and groomsmen." Hoshiko said and pushes her friends outside leaving Echiko and Ryo alone.

The boys didn't understand but Ryo mouthed her a thank you and she smiles at him. "Finally, we're alone~" He moves closer to her with a big smile and tucks in one of her loose hair that was covering her eyes. "You look amazing Echiko. With that dress, you'll blow everyone's mind."

"Do you really have to be mad at them? It's not nice, you know. They're our friends." Echiko nagged at her fiance and he simply sighs. He puts his hand on her waist and pulls her closer so that their face would be inches from each other. "I can't stand other people's eyes on you. I get mad because I want you all by myself. Yes. I'm a selfish person when it comes to you, Echiko."

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