[6] Side Plan

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The ringtone fills up the room, making the owner of the phone grunted before waking up. The phone was picked up and a voice was heard at other side of the line. "Oii Sora, are you free tomorrow?"

"What a nice way to wake someone up, Yoshizawa" grunted the girl as she wakes up and rubbed her eyes. "So, are you free?" The girl yawned before replying "Hurmm. I am. Why?"

"I'll text you the details then." He hung up the call and Sora looked at the time on her phone. It was 5:45 a.m. "Stupid Ryo. I'll kill him when I see him tomorrow." She mumbles the sentences for herself. Not a moment after, she received a text from Ryo.


3:00 p.m. at the cafè across your apartment

The one with the bear on the board.


I'll kill you tomorrow

Noted Hayama san

Sunday quickly arrives as Sora was getting ready to go outside and meet Ryo. She sat across him at the table and he glared at her. "You're late." Ryo said with an annoyed voice. "At least I'm here. Now what do you want?" Ryo passed her an ice latte when she asked the question. "Now we're talking." She smiled and he rolled his eyes at her.

"I need a favour from you." Ryo started off the conversation. Sora furrowed her eye brows from the sudden sentence her friend just blurted out. "What? And where's your girl?"

"That's the thing. I don't want her to know." Sora almost choked on her drink so she puts it aside first and Ryo handed her tissues. She hastily wipes her mouth and asked him "Why? Are you two fighting?"

Ryo chuckles and shakes his head. "Mind you, we're not you two. I.. wanted to suprise her." Sora was confused at this point. Ryo sighs and turned on his phone, showing his calender. "Shit! I forgot!" She accidently shouted making every one's attention on her. Ryo apologized for her and she did the same. "Stop cursing and shouting will you?"

"Okay, sorry." Ryo turned off his phone and looked at her. "So, what are you planning?" Sora asked and he smirked at her. "Let's go shopping."

"Eww no." She quickly rejected him and drank her latte back. "I've booked a table at a restaurant tonight. A buffet. If you help me shop." Sora glared at him as he looked satisfied with himself.

"What do you say partner?" He held his hand out and Sora relunctantly agrees.

What happened next was unexpected because Sora pulls his hand so he leaned forward in response. His face was inches away from her and he was weirded out since Sora was smirking this time.

"Shop while making someone jealous. You're good at acting aren't you?" Ryo chuckles and winked at her. "Only the best from me."

She released his hand and continue to sip her latte. "For a moment, I thought you fell for me." Ryo teased making her laugh. "I thought you saw a ghost."

They laughed at each other's lame joke. Ryo offered to drive but Sora insisted to take her Suzuki Jimny Sierra so she could drive. While they were in her car, Ryo started to ask her something he had been curious for a while. 

"Sora, when are you actually going to be official with Yuki?" Sora let out a slight chuckle because she thought he was joking. "I'm being serious. Out of my curiousity." Sora started sighing and her mind was contemplated to tell him or not.

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