[22] Game Over

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Mori released their hug and looks at Sora's face. He stared at her lips for a while and decided to step closer. He just rested his hands on her waist when he received a kick on his right side making him loses his grip. He looked at the person who kicked him and it was Yuki, standing perfectly fine but he looked mad at him.

"Wh-what? Ho-how?" After he asked, Yuki punched him in the face and kicks his stomach again. He grabbed his hair and pulls it backwards so that Mori will face the roof. He went closer to Mori and whispers in his ears. "You haven't seen me like this before, right Mori? Let me show you a side I have when someone messes with Sora."

Yuki continues to beat him up before chocking him out of anger and he was almost out of breath until Sora said "Enough. I need him alive." He catches his breath after Yuki released him. He was about to stand up but when Sora noticed, she kicked him in the face before he could do anything else. He groaned in pain and pressed something on his phone. It was an alarm. Soon after, a group of men came in, all wearing the same Nightmare jacket.

Sora looks annoyed but Yuki looks excited. "Where the hell are our back ups?" She clicked her tongue before punching one of the gang members. "They are coming. Just running a little late."

Yuki kicked a person and took the his baton. "Thank you." He thanked him politely and continues on hurting the other gang members with his new weapon. Sora didn't have the chance to take any but she rely on her strength to beat any man who's in front of her. While they were fighting against the Nightmare gang, Sora noticed Mackenyu and Mori were about to run away.

"Oii Yuki, find me a gun." She said before she continues beating up the gang members. Yuki nodded and scanned the ones that were unconcious or too tired to fight, in case they have any gun. While he was too busy searching while fighting, he heard people screaming in pain as they got beaten up by Sora, herself. He had just found a gun but he heard gunshots a few seconds after he found it. His eyes widened and he hastily turned to look at the situation. He saw Sora laying down, holding her stomach and the worst part is the amount of blood she's losing. "Sora!" He tries to get to her but since the gang members were too many, they held him back. He went beserk and almost killed them while he fought the group.

When he finished taking the rest of the men down, he heard police sirens coming nearby. He rushed to find Mori and Mackenyu but he saw that they had been taken care of. They were both handcuffed to each other and their legs had been tied up. He turned his attention to Sora and rushed to her aid. He takes off his jacket and compress it on her stomach so the bleeding would hopefully stop. He was panicking and seeing him worry so much made Sora smiled at him.

"Oii, I'm fine." She said weakly since she was tired due to the fighting and injury she had. "Shu-shut up, Sora or you'll lose more blood." Yuki teared up as he focuses on compressing her wound and Sora wiped the tears on his cheeks. "Thank you, Yuki."

"Don't say things like that." Yuki was annoyed at Sora who was clearly being way to relax about her injuries. Suddenly, his heart sank when her hand dropped and she passed out. He screamed for help and rushed inside the ambulance. She was not breathing anymore when they got inside so they had to do CPR on her. Yuki was sobbing hard because this was his worst nightmare. Losing her.

After 20 minutes of doing CPR, they got her pulse back but it was weak. One of the EMT told Yuki that she still have chance of living but Yuki was too devastated to talk to him.

As soon as they arrive at the hospital, Sora was rushed into the surgery room. Yuki was desperate to go inside but since he wasn't allowed to, he waited outside. He was trembling in fear, worrying about the consequences. He had gotten some injuries on his own, but he didn't pay attention to that as his mind was thinking about Sora, and nothing else matters at that moment.

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