[15] That Voice

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Sora kept on trying to make Yuki feel better but he kept on sulking all the way until they reached their police station. He kept it professional in front of others but Sora knows he still doesn't feel good about her wearing a dress. "Have she picked you a dress yet?" Motome asked and Sora nodded in reply.

"She's my life saver and she picked out the dress in my favourite colour too." Juro came in their conversation by patting her shoulder. "You're going to be hot when you put it on. The last time I saw you put that on was the last year right?" Yuki bit his lower lip in annoyance after hearing Juro complimented her. If Juro, their co worker had that thought, there's a high chance other men in the club will think about the same thing.

Sora thought about it for a while and remembered the time they had a mission on a cruise so they went undercover at a party there. "Yeah, the one on the cruise. I still remember the heels made my ankle sore for a week." She frowns remembering what happened to her ankle at that time.

"But your friend has a nice taste in heels. This one has quality. I can tell by touching it." Iki clicked her tongue while observing the heels. "What's the difference, all of them looked the same to me." Tsubasa added on while staring at the heels from afar. "Bingo!" Sora agreed with Tsubasa by turning her right hand in the shape of a gun and shoots an invisble bullet at her. Tsubasa smirked and nodded at her colleague's childish attitude.

"You two are helpless" Iki shakes her head and continues on hacking every electronic devices she can find nearby the location they were about to head out to. Yuki gets up from his seat and decided to make himself some coffee. Sora had worn dresses before but in rare occasions like this. The thing is, everytime she did, there must have been someone who crosses the line in which Yuki didn't hesitate to teach that person a lesson. Although this time is different, this is an old enemy they're dealing with and one wrong move will mess everything up.

He will need to control his anger in any circumstances. Juro saw him staring at a blank space and decides to bother him to clear his thoughts out. "Man, what are you thinking so hard on? She'll be fine. She's 23 for god's sake."

"I'm not worried about her. Just the people that'll be around her." He drank his coffee and threw the paper cup away. "Don't mess up this time, Yamada san. Hayama san wouldn't be happy if you get trouble for the third time about the same thing. She'll teach them a lesson if she needs too, okay?" He patted Yuki's shoulder before returning back to his seat.

Yuki decided to calm down for a bit and continues doing his research. They have a list of people who has high possibilities to be there at the event and reading their profiles first hand before meeting them will help them a lot. 

When the sun was about to set, the other officers went home, leaving their unit and those who had night shift in the station. Sora excused herself with Tsubasa and Iki so that she could get help while changing. She changed in the bathroom and went out for Iki to apply her makeup. It took about 30 minutes before Iki was done and fully satisfied with her work. 

"Done~ Yamada san would definitely keep an eye on you tonight." Sora shakes her head, feeling embarassed from the sudden compliment she received. "Woahh. I definitely didn't recognize you dude." Tsubasa slightly punched her shoulder making Sora chuckles at her behaviour. That was until she, herself look into the mirror. No wonder they were so shocked. Not only did Iki managed to make Sora look fresh but she managed to turn her to look tempting for any man that laid eyes on her. This was probably because of the eye liner she had put which made her eyes popped out in a seducing way. Her lips was not the usual red lipstick that they have seen in every woman in the movies, instead Iki made her lips pink and plumper than usual. 

She gulped after looking at herself. She would definitely get teased by Ryo for her whole entire life, looking like this. What will Yuki think? She scratched that thought and went outside with her colleagues. She was ready for the mission and Echiko's right because the heel was in fact comfortable when she wears it. She was greeted first hand by her chief and Ryo, himself. 

"Ehhh Hayama san. You look great!" Motome complimented which made her flustered but she managed to thank him either way. "So, this is how our Sora looked like when she's dressed up." Ryo teased while scanning her up and down, trying not to laugh at his childhood friend. "Cut it out, Yoshi kun or you might actually fall for me." Sora smirked at him and crosses her arms. 

"Well, unfortunately I've known worst sides of you so even if I see this side, I will still not fall for you." Ryo smiles at her before ruffling her hair which made him received a slap on his arm. "Zayasu san and Hiroto san worked hard on my hair. You stupid ass just ruined it!" 

"What's the chaos about- Hayama san you look great! Man, I wish you would partner up with me for once." Juro came in out of nowhere and started complimenting her which made Yuki annoyed while he drank his second coffee to stay awake. "The mission would have failed if you and I are in the same room, Nakano san." Sora laughs which made Juro unwillingly agrees with her statement. "Now, let's get going, shall we?" Motome nudges them to keep on moving so they don't have to rush there. 

Everyone was going to their vehicles but Sora stayed behind to talked to Yuki. She signals for him to meet her at the pantry where no one else was there. "Listen to my code and please just let it pass this night. You know how important this is to all of us." Sora started off with a worried face looking at her boyfriend. "If it's too much, I won't hesitate, Sora." His tone was stern and she knew he was pissed but they had no choice. Her being the bait was the most guaranteed bet they could ever made. 

"No, let them be Yuki. All of us are teaching them a lesson sooner or later. If you go make things worse, then our plan will be ruin." Sora lets our her frustration and Yuki glared at her. "So you're saying it's not that big of a deal with letting literally anybody touch you? Fine. I won't interfere." Yuki walks away and as much as she tries to call him, he ignored her. Sora sighs knowing that dealing with him now isn't the best decision. 

Before she went out, she wore the earrings which had a hidden camera inside it. The files on top of her table and Iki's table were sorted and she puts all of them in a bag. Juro walks in and helped her carry the files while also bringing his walkie talkie along with him. They talked on their way out and went separate ways from there.

She was on her way to Ryo's car when she forgot she left the most important thing, her mask. Not that it was that important since she knew loads of the people there are going to recognize her anyway but she needs to stay in theme and blends in. Even the mask was extra for her. It was one of the masquerade face mask so it shines even in the dark. Just when she held on to it, a hand reached for it first. "I can't be your partner, but I can at least be your sniper." He puts on the mask for her so it sits perfectly on her face. 

"Stop with your stupid references, Yuki. You watch too many drama." She smiled although his face remained still, worried for whom she might encounter after this. He leaned his forehead with hers for a while before hugging her. "I'll trust you. I'm not going to be in the best mood but I believe you'll do what's right." He sighs while she patted his back, reassuring him that everything will be just fine. 

Time flew and the party just started. Ryo linked hands with Sora before walking into the club with her. The music blasted through their ears the moment they walked in. There were a few faces which they targeted to be there but none of them seems to be interested with Sora and neither is she with them. They were about to go into one of the private room when a familiar voice greeted her. "Wait, Sora chan? It's been a while hasn't it?" Her eyes widened as she turns around, to look at the person who greeted her. The last time she saw him was the time she knew of his secret. She was terrified of him ever since but he never knew.

She bet all he knew is the fact that she was his junior who looked up to him and that he would have never thought, his favourite junior knew the real him. She was not aware the fact that he actually might be the only Nightmare gang member who was interested in her. 

[1613 words] 

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