[18] Recorded Media

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"Last but not least, we've got voice recording from Hayama san and I managed to record the CCTV video as well with the help from Motome san and Yamada san." Iki played the audio along with the video. They heard what she and Ryo had talked to Alex and there's no doubt his side of story matches with the others. That the Kitamura brothers are close and Mori was the one who chased Yujiro up until his death.

Their meeting ended with the played recordings and they went back to their desks. It was not long until their lunch break arrives in which Sora happily figures out what to eat. "Yuki, what do you want to eat for lunch? I have ideas and I can't choose one."

She talked while scrolling on her phone, seeing pictures of food on Instagram. She looked to her side and noticed that he ignored her. Before she could say anything further, Yuki shove his earphones in his ears and continue doing his work. She sighs but decided to not bother him since she, herself was tired due to the lack of sleep they all had.

A nap seems to be sufficient enough for her but just when she was about to lay her head, her colleague Juro shouted at them. "Everyone, come gather!" 

"Shut up, Nakano. This is a workplace for crying out loud." Tsubasa hit him behind his head before sitting back at her desk. "Sorry Zayasu san. Anyway I bought sushi for everyone~" He distributes it for each one of them and they gladly take it. "What's the occasion Nakano san?" Iki asked after taking a bite of a sushi. "Just because. We've been working extra hard nowadays and I figured some food would help cheering us up."

"Thanks man. This is just what I needed." Sora took a bite and just like that Juro settled everyone's lunch. After drinking water to clear up all the food she ate, she received a call.

"Yes, Yoshi kun. What's wrong?" She asked and at the end of the line, he quickly responded with "We're in trouble, don't you know? That boyfriend of yours sent my girl CCTV video in the room we're in and an audio of us talking to Alex."

"Eh?! Really?!" She accidently shouted so she quickly apologizes to the all of the officers there that were shocked due to the sudden shouting. She decided to go outside the station where she can freely talk. "Then, we're dead already if you asked me." She sighs and figured that's why Yuki has been ignoring her.

"You're dead?! I'm dead you dumbass! She's coming after me the most, you know!" Ryo shouted which made Sora held her phone a bit further from her ear so that it wouldn't bleed. "Uh, I know so what do you suggest we do?"

"Let's meet up tonight. The four of us at our house." Ryo suggested to her. "But I'm not on talking terms with Yuki so you better let your girl text him because I don't think I'll be speaking to him about this yet." Ryo replied with a simple hum and hung up the call.

After their work, Sora immediately catches up with Yuki. "Yuki, let's go to their house with my car."

"I'm not going." He said and went outside their station. "Oii Yuki~ I thought you weren't going to be mad with me just leaning on him. I never touch him more than his hand and you saw it yourself." She whines while tagging along, following him to his motorcycle. She stopped him from putting his helmet on.

"Talk to me Yamada. You know I hate it when people ignore me while I'm talking." He smirked and chuckled before staring straight into her eyes. "And I hate it when strangers like him touch you anywhere they want. The fact that you let him and encourage him to do more, infuriates me. Leaning on Ryo, I don't mind but touching that Mori knowing very well what he did in the past, disgust me. You got your answer so get lost Sora." He puts his helmet on and rides his motorcycle without turning back. Sora sighs as she remember Mori touching her and somewhere in the club, Yuki was watching, trying to held back his anger.

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