36 - One month and one week II

Comenzar desde el principio

But now, I had to make my way towards the other wing and then go inside through the maids' door.

It was a good thing I had assessed their house a dozen times before I came here so it almost seemed like I was very familiar with the space around me.

I looked for anyone on any floor before I made a run for it. It didn't take long until I reached the corner of the other wing and then stopped to look back.

Not a single soul was present. It might have been weird and unusual but it just meant they were already eating.

Although Valentina's room was lit up.

I didn't let that stop me from completing what I came here to do.

I hurried to the other edge of the wall before someone shouted.

"Igor'! A mashiny vperedi?" I cursed under my breath when I couldn't make out exactly what they were talking about. None of the members of my family knew how to speak Russian. Including my father who was very interested in language learning. He just never seemed to find the time to learn it. Me, on the other hand, I didn't think I'd ever even reach the point I was in.

I knew that whatever the guard said had something to do with machines. Or cars in other words. I looked past the edge to see if anyone was moving in or out of the maids' door that led into a corridor which led to many rooms where the staff worked and lived.

Before I could move, a hand wrapped around my mouth and pressed me to the front of their body. Their other hand wrapped around my waist as they held me close.

"What are you doing here so late in the evening?" A man with a thick Russian accent asked. Before he could say anything else, I grabbed the knife strapped to my leg. I stabbed it in his arm, earning a scream from him. Once I was out of his grip, I pushed him onto the ground and wrapped my hand around his throat as I held the other one with the knife high up, ready to kill.

"Has anyone told you how rude it is to grab girls like that without their consent?" I mocked, making the dark-haired man with an ingrown beard and thick eyebrows frown.

"Devochka?" I grin of satisfaction touched my face which he wasn't able to see. I removed my hand from his throat before I slid his throat and stood up, letting him bleed out onto the brick sidewalk.

I didn't stay around him any longer since his scream could've easily alerted the other security guards.

I squatted down to avoid the windows and moved forward. Once I reached the door, I slowly opened it and peeked inside. I could hear the voices and the clanking of pots and pans. It was a busy evening for the staff here which made it much harder for me to do anything. But I didn't give up. It was far too late for such a decision.

I headed inside and closed the door as slowly and carefully as possible before I made my way down the hall towards the second to last door on the right.

The noise was the loudest behind this door since it was the access to the kitchen itself. I knew it would be dangerous to open the door and just step in so when I hear footsteps on the other side of the door, I moved further aside.

A young woman with blond hair and a full uniform in black and white stepped out and walked towards the door which I came in through.

I quickly moved inside the room, letting the smell of baked goods touch my nose. I hid beside a counter and then slowly moved forward. There were three women here and all were too busy to care what was happening at the other side of the room where I was as they prepared the meals.

I moved upwards to try and find the plates with the food which was going to be served to the family. There were three plates with stakes in them with salad on the side on the edge of the massive steel island in the middle.

King of the Empire ✓| #2 |Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora