Chapter 1

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Normal Text: what the story is written in, "talking"

Italic Text: 'Thoughts'

Bold Text: 'Darker Thoughts', "Loud Yelling!", "SCREAMING!", LOUD SOUND/NOISE

Underline Text: what the narrator (explaining things that need explaining) text is in, also what the text is for a flashback

Bold Italic Text: (If I make a comment during the story), tells the [POV]

Underline Italic Text: 'Thoughts during flashback'

Underline Bold Text: 'Darker Thoughts during flashback', "Yelling during flashback", "SCREAMING DURING FLASHBACK", LOUD SOUND/NOISE

Error's text: It WiLl Be SoMeThInG LiKe ThIs WhEn EvEr He Is TaLkInG oR sPeAkInG iN tHoUgHt. YoU gEt ThE iDeA!


I let out a tired, irritated sigh as I tapped my right-hand fingers on my wooden desk. My head in my left hand as I leaned my weight against the desk, looking at the blank paper laying in front of me with a frown before sneering at it, a small tsk leaving my mouth as I leaned back into the wooden chair I was sitting in with folded arms against my chest.

'What am I doing again???' I thought with a sigh as I let my body slump into my seat, my arms dangling off the chair. I let out a breath, burying my head into my scarf as I tried to recall what I was even doing.

I was currently in my room in the house I shared with Blue and Dream, sitting at the wooden desk I had in the corner of my room next to my bed, trying to come up with anything, literally anything! But I guess I was going to have to lie about coming up with anything again to Dream as I have been for the past I don't know... was it 4ish years now? Whatever, not like it mattered anyway.

I sat up, leaning forward as I rubbed my face with my right hand as a frown formed on my lips before getting up and flopping sideways onto my bed in defeat.

Closing my eyes as I let out a tired sigh, was this what people called art block? Or was it just his lack of motivation? He wouldn't be surprised if it was both. 'Why do you even try? Everything you've made already is worthless, why even make more useless junk? Though I guess it fits a thrown-out piece of junk such as yourself!' I growled at myself, annoyed, opening my eyes as I pulled myself up to the middle of the bed and crossed my legs into a cross-legged sitting position, and grabbed one of my many pillows, holding it to my chest tightly as I stuffed my head into it trying to block out the world as I closed my eyes once more.

The voice wasn't entirely wrong he supposed, he was a thrown-out piece of junk though, he didn't think his creations were that bad? I mean he helps the creators when they get ideas for new Au's and he loves all of the Au's but... 'W H A T  U S E  I S  A  C R E A T O R, T H A T  D O E S N T  C R E A T E?!' My eyes snapped open as tears filled them flinching from the harsh voice, I lowered the pillow down from my face and let out a shaky breath wiping my eyes before the tears could fall.

"It's fine, I'm fine. I'll create again it's just taking longer than I thought it would!" I exclaimed to myself with a confident grin as I let go of the pillow I was holding before the grin faltered. Bringing my hands out in front of me, I watched as they shock, "right?" I asked trying to reassure myself but it did little to ease my nerves.

I flinched as a knock broke me from my thoughts, "Ink? It's Dream, you home?" I heard Dream ask muffled by the door. I shook my head to try and clear my thoughts before answering, "yeah! Just working!" I told him a little loud so he'd be able to hear me. "Ok! Have you checked the Au's today?" Dream asked and I cursed under my breath as I just remembered I'm not usually home at this time. "Whoops! It must have slipped my mind, I was really invested in my work!" 'Uh-huh sure, though I'd say you're more invested in lying hahaha!' I cringed slightly before shuffling myself to the side of my bed, pulling my legs over the side of it.

"That's alright! Just make it gets done today, please... Did you want me to come along to help you this time?" "That's ok! It shouldn't take too long, if I'm not back in a couple of hours don't wait up for me!" I yelled quickly shutting down the offer. "Ok... Don't forget your phone and be safe!" "I will, see you guys later!" And with that, I faintly heard Dream's footsteps disappear signaling he had left.

Standing up from my bed I let out a sigh as I stretched my arms out, "fucking Au's" I growled under my breath. If he was being totally honest, he couldn't give to fucks about the Au's right now, don't get him wrong he loved the Au's but he had his own issues to figure out and didn't have time to worry about the Multiverse's stability but the job had to be done and he was the only one that could do it, unfortunately.

Looking down at my sash, I quickly made sure I had all of my paints and that they were securely in place. Patting my pockets for my phone I located it in my right pant pocket before surveying the room for the last thing I needed before I could leave. I located the item in the left-hand corner of my room by the door, walked over to it, and picked up my giant paintbrush named Broomy. I smiled slightly at the brush as I remembered all the things we'd done together before the small smile was replaced with a frown as I also remembered all the sour things that happened because of it.

Going over to the door of my bedroom with Broomy in my left hand, I turned the golden handle to the right with my right hand, the lock on it unlocking with a loud POP as I pulled the door open. "I'm going out!" I yelled out the door, "K!" I heard Dream faintly yell back. Satisfied with the answer I pushed the door close and locked it once more.

Grabbing Broomy with both hands now, I made a black paint splatter on the floor before putting Broomy into its holster on the back of my sash.

The portal wasn't anywhere specific so he had no idea where he would end up. With a deep breath, he jumped into the black ink with a loud PLOP.


Sorry, this is short, I wanted to just get it started. I hope y'all are excited about this rewrite, I got the plot figured out it's just the matter of writing it lmao.

I think my writing has improved but who knows! I guess y'all will have to be the judge of that!

Anyways hope y'all enjoyed it, see y'all next time!

[Words: 1219]

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2022 ⏰

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