A Night Out - Chapter Twenty•Eight

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I looked at her with a smirk and a mischievous look evident in my eyes. "Angel, I don't think you want to hear about all the ways I'm going to torture him."

Davina King

I think I've officially gone crazy.

I know for a fact that those words should not have had this type of effect on me, but honestly I found it kinda hot.

If someone were to tell me a year ago that I would be attracted to a man that was so powerful and dangerous and tortured people who wronged him, I would have laughed in that persons face.

But here I am. Sitting on the lap of a dangerous criminal, finding his talk of torture attractive, and falling for him more and more as the days go on. There has definitely never been anything normal about our relationship, and this just proves that point even more.

A few of my favorite memories of us started flashing through my head. One of them being our night in his club where we kept our bodies so close together and let go of any other thought besides each other for the first time.

Now I have an idea.

"You know, I haven't been to a club since the night we first hooked up." Matteo stayed silent, waiting to see where I would go with this conversation. "It would be nice to have another night like that."

The smirk on his face reappeared before I could even blink, but this time it wasn't an evil one. It was laced with complete and utter lust.

"Well then why don't we go out tonight. Just you and me. I'll even let you pick where you want to go." It was becoming so easy to get what I wanted from him.

I hope he knows how tightly he is wrapped around my finger.

I grabbed his wrist and looked at the time that was showing on his watch. "Well it's almost noon so give me an hour to think about where we're going and I'll let you know."


As much as I love Matteo's club, there were more that I wanted to see. With Matteo being who he is I'm sure that we could get into any place within the city without any notice. However, my plan wasn't to go to a new club.

When I was thinking about it, I realized that the only memories I had in Risqué were with Giovanni. I didn't want to think of him anytime I thought about the club, so tonight me and Matteo will make our own memories there.

I was almost done getting ready when Matteo came to my door. He was dressed in his usual black slacks white button down and black dress shoes. He was clasping a large golden watch to his wrist when he finally looked up at me.

"You're not wearing that." Was the first thing to leave his mouth.

I had on an all white dress that was pretty short and the front was almost completely lace from my stomach up.

"And why can't I wear this?" Regardless of his response I wasn't going to change now so he would just have to deal with it.

Matteo made his way towards me and placed his hands on both sides of him hips when he was close to my body. He took a minute to completely scan my whole body. "Because our night out won't last long with you looking like this."

I couldn't hold back the snarky comment that came from my lips. "Well I think our night is going to last as long as I want it too."

His eyes quickly clouded over and turned a few shades darker. "May I remind you that just because you are mine now doesn't mean I'm gonna put up with that attitude."

I had to laugh in his face after that. "No prettyboy. Me being yours is exactly why you have to put up with it now."

We both knew I was right. Matteo would never admit it to my face but he loved my attitude. More importantly, he loved fucking it out of me. I knew pushing his buttons now would give me that rougher side of him later.

"We really should get going though. Don't wanna be waiting in a line all night just to get in." I made my way out of the room, Matteo's loud footsteps followed closely behind.

He placed his hand on the bottom of my back right above my ass as we walked out of the apartment. "Now you know damn well we're not going to wait in a line at all."

I just shrugged my shoulders as a response.


As expected, we skipped past the entire line that was waiting to enter Risqué. With only a single nod to the bouncer guarding the door, he stepped aside and allowed Matteo and I in.

We walked hand in hand through the crowds of people and made our way to the VIP section. Once again, just a nod from Matteo granted us access.

We found a long dark red couch that was completely vacant so that's where we decided to sit. Well Matteo decided to sit down, I didn't even have the chance to protest his actions as he pulled me onto his lap. We were sitting in the same exact position Giovanni and I had been in, and I feel like it was intentional.

My suspicions were soon confirmed. "Now this is how you should remember this place. Me and you in this position, not you and that asshole." Even though Giovanni was already dead, with his body deep somewhere in the Hudson River, there was still a hint of jealousy that seeped through Matteo's words.

It only made me wonder how jealous he was the night me and Giovanni were like this. "How jealous were you when it was me and him here?"

The strobe lights flashed over his jawline at the right time for me to see how hard he clenched it at my question. "You have no idea how badly I wanted to put a bullet through his head right then and there. I probably should have."

Matteo wasn't allowed to show emotions because of his work, especially when we were out in public where anyone could see him. However he couldn't hide the guilty look in his eyes from me. I had learned to read his eyes because the rest of his face typically stayed blank.

I ran my fingers across his jaw lightly, bringing his attention to my face. I leaned my head onto his for a slight extra feeling of comfort for his guilt. I knew he still beat himself up over it, but I don't want him too anymore.

"Stop feeling guilty about what happened. If it never happened we wouldn't be in this position right now, so just relax and let's have fun tonight." I pulled away to show him the smile on my face.

He had to break the tough exterior at some point and flashing him a simple smile did just that. His eyes softened and his lips curled up into their own beautiful smile.

He grabbed my jaw and pulled me in, but just before our lips connected he paused. "I still don't know how you do this to me."

Instead of replying first, I pushed my lips onto his for a few short seconds. Then I proceeded to respond to him.

"It's a secret I'll never tell."

We both smiled at each other before looking away at all of the other people in the club. Not a single one of them could ruin this moment for us. No one else could take away or change my feelings for this man.

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