Hey Guys

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I hoped you enjoyed the book! (Especially Brodwynn )
It was a fun book to write and I had fun doing it especially since I didn't have much to go off of but luckily I had a storyline that needed people.

I also hope that it was a good omega verse book because I never really have actually written omega verses before so this was my first time. I mean I had fun writing it but I wasn't sure if it was good or if I didn't add enough things in there (that had to do with omega verse)

This was a requested book by Brodwynn

The other book Brodwynn had requested and is actually out it's called The Flawless Girl and is the next Ongoing book I'll be writing next.

This book is actually what got me back into writing Haikyuu fan fiction so thank you for the requests Brodwynn really appreciate it :)

Also feel free to request books whenever over comments or messages 😊

Anyways thank you for all you're guys support and everything you do I appreciate it and it does not go unrecognised ❤️

Have a great day/night :)

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