Chapter 22: Mine Forever?

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)| Matsukawa pov |(

I quietly placed the note on Rydell's bedside table and walked out the room, I swiftly made my way down stairs and nodded to Iwaizumi and Maddog who open the front door.

"I'll be back tonight" I said.

)| Rydell pov |(

I stretched out across the bed and exhaled deeply, I opened my eyes and saw a note on the bedside table which made me look to the empty space beside me.


Sorry I had a urgent meeting to attend to but I'll be back tonight... call me when you can and Oikawa has probably made breakfast and the boys will look after you.

Love you little one

- M

I frowned hoping I could spend the day with him but I guess not. I stood up and swayed side to side feeling dizzy.

Agh I don't feel so good...

I laid back down and closed my eyes, my heavy breathing got worse and my body became uncomfortable and really hot.

"Issei~" I mumbled needing him.

I began to sweat and it was so hot that I threw the blanket off, Kunimi walked in and rushed over to my side.

"Rydell what's wrong?!" Kunimi asked being worried.

"So hot~" I replied rolling onto my side.

I curled in feeling pain rush through my body and whimpered, Kunimi used his calming scent which made me feel worse and so I let out my painful scent.

"Oh lord you're in heat this isn't good Matsukawa needs to help you feel better because I can't do anything" Kunimi explained.

"It hurts~" I whimpered.

"I know I need to go call Matsukawa" Kunimi says.

)| Kunimi pov |(

I closed the door to Rydell's bedroom so I could trap the heat pheromones inside and pulled my phone out while running downstairs to the speaker.

"This is not a drill we have a code blue I repeat we have a code blue" I said through the microphone.

I clicked on Matsukawa's contact and pressed the call button.

"What" Matsukawa said sounding annoyed.

"You need to come back right now and I mean it" I said going to my mini hospital.

"Why?" he asks.

"Rydell is in heat and everyone here is going crazy so I need you to fix her" I replied grabbing some things.

"Oh alright I'll be there in about an hour" he says before ending the call.

I ran back upstairs and opened the bedroom door, I was shocked by the amount of pheromones coming from Rydell. It was so strong that it became hard to breathe in the closed room and so I opened a window, I placed everything on Rydell's bedside table and looked over at her.

Oh no she looks worse...

)| Rydell pov |(

It was so painful and breathing was so hard, I wish Issei was here. I curled in even more hugging my body tightly and shifting around constantly trying to get comfortable.

"Issei~" I mumbled rising and turning.

"Don't worry he is on his way" Kunimi says.

Thank heavens he's coming...

"Just wait a-little longer... here have some of these it should keep some of the pain away for a little while until Issei gets here" Kunimi says holding a glass of water and two pills.

"T- thanks" I stuttered taking it.

Few hours later...

Matsukawa bursts through the door and was completely shocked, he rushes over to me looking very worried.

"My love what's wrong?" He asks looking between me and Kunimi.

"She is in heat and your her only cure" Kunimi answers.

He looks back at me and raises his hand, which Kunimi takes his leave and Issei pulls his shirt off.

"Don't worry little one I'll make you feel better" Issei says.

"Mhm Issei~" I hummed as he hovered above me.

"Sh sh sh baby I got you" he says pulling off all of our clothing.

His hands trace up my arms to my hands and intertwines our hands together, I moaned feeling his member push inside me and his hips thrusting in and out.

"Issei~" I moaned gripping his fingers tighter.

"Will you be mine forever?" He asks through his grunts.

"Yes yes yes yes!" I moaned loudly nodding my head.

He smirks and licks my neck before biting down hard on my scent gland.

"Ah fuck!" I yelped feeling the pain dissolve.

He lets go and licks over it again before cumming hard inside me, I came whilst arching my back and was seeing stars. Issei puts his forehead against mine and we stay like this until we both could breathe normally again.

"I feel much better" I said with a short laugh.

"That's good" he says chuckling.

"Can we cuddle now?" I asked.

"Of course my love" he replies getting off me.

He pulls on some sweatpants and hands his shirt to me, I put it on with some underwear and opened my arms. He happily lays down on top of me snuggling into my bare breasts which makes me laugh and tried to stop him.

"Stop please Issei!" I shouted through my laugh.

He stops and lays his head down, I smiled combing my fingers through his curly locks and watched as he became still.

Awh how sweet...

He must of been super tired of he fell asleep...

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