Chapter 17: Our Little Plan

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Not to be mean or rude or anything but let me make something clear. I have been told the pictures of Sakusa are Sakusa and not Matsukawa and I know that but there is a reason to why I do put a picture of Sakusa in a chapter as it's about him. And for anyone who is wondering YES I can tell the difference between the two it isn't hard. So stop commenting on who is who because I do know and unless I asked (which I did for chapter 4).

- T

)| Matsukawa pov |(

"The Cruel Crows are a gang that have been our enemies since the first time we crossed paths and we have been at war ever since then" I explained crossing my arms.

"Oh right that was the gang you'd mention a couple of times" Kiyoomi says with no emotion.

"Yeah and now they have Rydell which means they are making their stand" I said pondering over it.

"So which means you need my help to get rid of them" Sakusa says sounding more deadly.

"Yeah and I have a plan if you're willing to help me that is" I said looking him dead in the eyes.

It was quiet and Sakusa was showing no signs of anything.

"Okay we'll help you on one condition... we become partners in the trade" Sakusa says.

"Alright you have a deal" I said smirking.

"Great so what's the plan..?" Sakusa asks leaning on the table.

I looked over at Aran and motioned him forward, he steps up next to Sakusa.

"I need you to find out where this location is" I ordered handing him the computer.

He nods and sits down at the table, I looked at Suna and pulled Kindaichi over.

"You will be our eyes in the sky and you're job also is to shoot the rooftop guys since our sniper is down and Kindaichi here will show you our firepower" I explained pushing them away.

"Now the plan is the Miya twins will buddy up with me and we will take down the men inside as I know everyone on their side and you Sakusa will be disguised as me and you'll have my bodyguards with you to make it look like you are me" I explained hoping Sakusa will go along with it.

"Alright but how will I look like you..?" Sakusa asks sounding weirded out.

"Maki will help you get dressed and make you look like me" I said as Maki gestures to Sakusa.

Sakusa rolls his eyes and follows him, whilst I got everyone else's attention on was now on me.

"Okay the rest of you will attack from all sides and pair up with one of my members as they know their weaknesses whilst you are doing that me and the Miya twins will go get Rydell" I said looking around at everyone.

They all nodded and I head some footsteps which had me turn around, I was shocked at what I saw. It was like looking in the mirror, Maki made Sakusa look exactly like me.

"Wow now that's impressive" I said smirking.

"Thanks" Maki mumbles.

"I feel stupid" Sakusa grumbled pulling his shirt right.

"Yeah but now we will get Rydell back with ease" I said admiring Maki's work.

"Whatever let's get this done" he says.

"I got it!" Aran shouts abruptly standing up.

"Show me" I ordered.

)| Rydell pov |(

Luckily I'm wearing the necklace Matsukawa gave me...

Otherwise these men would definitely know how scared I am right now, my pheromones were running crazy and I was super tense as my hands were tied to a chair as well as my eyes were blindfolded. I turned my head side to side trying to get it off and tried to free my hands in the process, but nothing. It was too hard. I froze hearing a door open and close, I sat still and was completely confused when there were no footsteps to be heard. I gasped flinching as a hand was wrapped around my neck and was tilted back, I could feel my neck hairs standing on end as there was a hot breath fanning against my skin.

"What do you want?" I breathlessly asked.

There was a dark chuckle next to my ear and the grip tightened against my neck.

"Straight to the point... I like that" the man whispered.

I could hear the smirk in his tone of voice and his breathing was so calm compared to mine.

"Scared are we?" He asks with his alpha pheromones getting stronger.

"In your dreams tough guy" I replied scoffing.

It was quiet again for a few minutes.

"Your quite the bratty omega" he says.

"Only to people like you" I said all cocky like.

"Wow your mouthy" he says chuckling.

I shivered and relaxed into his grip on my neck, his shoulder was warm and his pheromones smelt of teakwood.

"Don't get comfortable now... otherwise I'll have to make your stay more unpleasant" he whispers.

"Shouldn't you be worried about Issei and when he'll be making a move?" I asked.

"Of course we are... he actually will be here tomorrow to come strike a deal with me" he replies.

He's coming..!

"What sort of deal..?" I asked getting a little excited.

"You'll see" he answers pulling away from me.

Oh god Issei...

I hope you know what you're doing...

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