he mouthed the word mine as he got up to go wash. I sat there dumbfounded as I processed what had happen last night. I gingerly reached up to touch where he had marked me, as soon as my hand touched the bite mark, tingles shot through me, causing me to flinch and nearly fall off the bed. 

I shuddered as Dream came out of the bathroom with his iconic lime green hoodie and his hair dripping wet. I grabbed a blue T-shirt, grey hoodie and jeans while rushing into the bathroom. I slammed the door shut and leaned against the door as I felt another headache coming up. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath when my vision started blurring again. 

I staggered to the sink and hastily washed my face, my vision clearing a little and the pounding in my head dulled down. 

'are you ok, George?' I heard Dream ask and I nodded my head, then I remembered he couldn't see me.

'yeah, I'm fine.' I responded slowly. I took off my shorts and stepped in the shower, the warm water trickling down the tip of my nose and fell as I bathed in the warm waters. 

I stepped out of the shower, dried myself, and stared at myself in the mirror. There was a weird glowing symbol on my neck where Dream had marked me. It was slightly glowing with a weird green light, the symbol sort of represented a smiley face inside a pentagram, which was weird, but it looked kind of good. 

I put on my clothes and dried my hair, stepping out of the bathroom shortly after. I see Dream sitting on the windowsill, his back leaning against the window pane as he mindlessly fiddled with his hoodie, seeming deep in thought. He had a notebook and a pencil in his lap, the book was open as if he was just writing in it.

His head snapped to me as I walked towards him, he quickly closed the book and stuffed it in his desk drawer. He slipped off the window sill and walked over to me, brushing a strand of hair out of my face. 

'Let's go get breakfast and then you can go talk to the hunters ok, George?' He said softly and I nodded my head obediently. He leaned down to place a small kiss on my forehead, causing me to blush wildly. 

He clipped the black collar on my neck and held up his hand. I looked at him in confusion before my jaw literally hit the floor. A green line made out of what seemed to be pure magic, extended itself out from my collar and into Dream's hand. It probably is some "mark" shit since he wasn't able to do that before. 

I followed Dream out of the door and I noticed that a lot of the vampires staring at me in astonishment but quickly averted their gaze when Dream noticed them. I dropped my gaze down to the ground after a few minutes of vampires and their slaves/pets staring at me. 

We entered the dining hall and I could feel both Lila's and Technoblade's gaze on me. I shifted uncomfortably in my place as I followed Dream to his seat. He pulled me into his lap and rested his head on mine. 

I didn't really care what the servants served because I didn't have an appetite at all after what had happened, but Dream still managed to stuff some waffles into my mouth after a few minutes of me and Dream arguing and Lila and Techno watching us with amusement like they were watching a TV show.

after we had finished breakfast, we headed down towards what I assumed was the dungeon. I was very happy that I had only eaten a few pieces of waffles because I would've literally lost all of my breakfast. The walls of the dungeons are covered in slime and damp moss, it  smelled strongly of blood and mucus, which made me wonder how can anyone ever stay here without puking all over the floor, which I guess, is why it also smelled of puke. 

Dream accompanied me all the way to the hunter's cell, which was at the deepest, darkest, dampest, part of the dungeons. From what I've learned from Dream, the cells they stayed in were specially designed to keep hunters restrained and kept in there for as long as they live, which I guess wasn't very long. 

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