scott managed to sprint forward, even after being electrocuted, and grab the red-headed banshee by the arms, stopping her from falling into the dark pit below. lydia let out a scream and scott grunted as he just about saved the girl. 

theo then knelt down, putting a hand on scott's back before digging his sharp claws into the side of his flesh. scott let out a loud groan before gasping.

valencia felt herself unable to look at the scene infront of her, recently she'd started feeling a little different. she felt sympathy, and she didn't know why. she tried to block out the sounds of scott yelling in pain but unfortunately it did not work.

"feel that, scott?" theo smirked devilishly and looked down at the boy who was in pain. "kanima venom." scott let out pants, "just let it happen. let it go." lydia screamed again, "let everything go..."

"no!" scott yelled while panting for a breath and lydia screamed for help just as she began to fall down into the darkness. valencia flinched as lydia's scream for farther and farther away from them.

the beast let out a loud roar and theo smirked smugly at the sound of it. "you hear that? that's the sound of real power." theo turned and spoke to a paralysed scott mccall.

theo then flashed his fangs and his bright yellow werewolf eyes and began to walk off. valencia stared back at scott and liam who watched her with hope that she was finally starting to remember.

she stood staring for a moment, scott could smell some sort of pity and concern radiating off of her. maybe valencia was going to come back to them after all.

maybe they could save her from theo and remind her of all the good times she had with everyone. so many thoughts went through scott's head that he maybe got his hopes up a little too much. but he still had hopes.

"you coming, val?" theo's voice called out whenever he realised the girl was not following after him. he turned to look at valencia who slowly turned around to him.

"i'll stay here... to make sure they don't do anything." valencia muttered and shot a fake smile at the raeken boy who nodded his head before rounding a corner of the tunnel and disappearing out of sight.

"why'd you stay?" scott breathed out whilst trying to push himself off the ground, finally regaining the strength after being paralysed by theo.

valencia shrugged her shoulders but scott nodded his head for her to continue. "i feel emotions again, i have felt pity or sympathy since i died... i don't know what's happening to me but i have a feeling that you can help." valencia looked between the two werewolves.

scott pushed himself off the ground just as deucalion walked down the tunnel, appearing from out of the shadows just like he always happened to do.

"fancy seeing you here, valencia." deucalion joked to which the girl hummed. scott managed to push himself up, standing6: back up on his own two feet with liams help.

"deucalion take my arm," valencia ordered the man who grabbed a gentle hold of her arm without a question. he knew that she'd said that because she didn't want theo to think she's with deucalion.

"so what, valencia? now you're on our side?" liam questioned the girl confused with a raised eyebrow but he watched as valencia shook her head slightly.

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