Chapter 6: A New Day, a New Alien and 2 New Friend's.

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[Narrator's P.O.V]:
At Aether Foundation, Lusamine, Faba and Mrs. Wicke were still looking over the footage that Rotom had sent them about the "Ultra Beast" that was able to talk and "evolve" whenever he wanted.

 Wicke were still looking over the footage that Rotom had sent them about the "Ultra Beast" that was able to talk and "evolve" whenever he wanted

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(Lusamine): I wonder what type of Ultra Beast it is. What do you think?

(Faba): I honestly don't know

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(Faba): I honestly don't know. It doesn't seem exactly seem like any of the other's that the Ultra Guardians have encountered in the past.

 It doesn't seem exactly seem like any of the other's that the Ultra Guardians have encountered in the past

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(Mrs. Wicke): It does seem to evolve whenever there's a green flash. Maybe it has something to do with the hourglass symbol that it always wears.

As Faba and Mrs. Wicke continued debating on how to deal with the supposed "Ultra Beast," Lusamine looked hopefully at the footage Rotom had recorded.

(Lusamine): *thoughts* "Who or what are you?"

[Alex's P.O.V]:
I was just waking up as the sun shone on my face. I yawned, packed up my rucksack and decided to go find some breakfast; but I needed to use one of my aliens so I wouldn't get caught whatsoever. I fiddled with the Omnitrix a few times until suddenly...

(Omnitrix): Alien DNA sample unlocked!
Current new transformations available: 2.

Curious as to what new Alien I had just unlocked, I slammed the dial and was instantly transformed into...

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