pov: dating the quiet guy.

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y/n: your name
y/p: your partner
disclaimer: from tootallforthis48 on tiktok!

it was lunch time, your friends were all talking about their significant others when one of them said "i'm surprised y/n still does not have a boyfriend."

"huh? who said that?" you replied, unfazed.

"wait, do you have a boyfriend that we don't know about?" your other friend asked

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"wait, do you have a boyfriend that we don't know about?" your other friend asked.

"yes, for a year now." i said with a shrug as if it was nothing.

"who is he?" the asked in unison.

"who is he?" the asked in unison

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"y/p" you said smiling.

they rolled their eyes, "you are not the quiet guy's girlfriend. he barely talked to anyone other than his friends."

"ok so i'll show you then!" you got up and started walking to y/p's table. your friends eyes were fixed on every one of your movement.

 your friends eyes were fixed on every one of your movement

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his head was on the table, while his friends were talking. once you got over, you tapped his shoulder.

without lifting his head, he went "why are you touching me?"

"oh so i cant touch you now? cool, i'll let you be then." you said.

as you were about to walk away, he grabbed your wrist and turned you around, making you straddle his lap.

as you were about to walk away, he grabbed your wrist and turned you around, making you straddle his lap

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"i'm sorry baby, i didnt know it was you." he said tiredly, laying his head in the crook of your neck.

you looked over at your friends who had their jaws on the floor and shook your head laughing

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you looked over at your friends who had their jaws on the floor and shook your head laughing.

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