starbucks venti
I only read in between the lines and it reads genius 👏

clearly I have the high ground here.


naku weed
that energetic male, he'll never stop, but that's quiet humorous about him.


OH damn that's so sweet xiao <3

starbucks venti is typing...

starbucks venti
I'll take care myself that you will go to bed if you don't lay that god forsaken phone down.


I.. was about to do tha5..

naku weed
weird usually he'd brag about it when people like me who would not admit easily to that him being around is fine

Oh.. yeah for sure. Bye for now

With that you turned off your phone. You went to your room. The only thing stopping you from opening the door handle was the sudden cramps you've felt in your stomach area. The stab similar sensation that made itself bigger in there wouldn't stop bothering you. You ran to the bathroom to fix the problem up.

You definitely had not been awaiting it that early. However it took a little while longer than expected nor planned. You heard a knocking on the door. "Y/n?" it was Venti's sweet voice.

"Are you in there—?" he asked, he cut himself off. You gave off a quiet nouse which agreed. "I wanted to check up on you, but you weren't in your room or office so I assumed you would be in the bathroom if you felt worse." he  continued explaining.

You finished exchanging your period products-, getting rid off them appropriately and washing your hands. You opened the door and smiled at him.

A short pause filled the room. "I have my period you know? And I catched a cold that's another reason why I'd prefer not to talk about it with anyone. It's a pain.. sorry for worrying you." you said, laughing a little. You scratched your neck a little emberrassed as you looked down. Your throat was a bit raspy, it didn't felt great bring honest.

He shook his head, "No, it's fine. I choose to take a look after you since I'm aware of your working habits." he said, waving the situation off. For you it really seemed like there was no big deal involved for him. Which was great, very much.

He helped you get to your room. Your arm resting  on top of his shoulder. He held the wrist that layed on him tight, yet gentle. The grip— the small feeling of that touch was like everything and nothing at all  at the same time. You opened the doir to your own room while he kept helping you. You sat down on your bed while all your bones released the pain you flinched.

You smirked, "remember when we both panicked upon witnessing my period for the first time and my mom wasn't there for the half weekend?" you asked. Your voice was sour and dry. In some way it sounded funny.

He nodded, "it was funny especially since we thought you caught some new sickness, but it must've been painful for you." he pointed out.

You layed down on your bed. Sneezing another time— a cough following on that. The throat running dry again, which hurt.

Venti looked at you filled with worries. He frowned as he raised a brow. "I'll bring you a tea, wait here."

You laughed, "I have not much of a option, do I?" you started smirking. Yoi shook your head, continuing having thoughts that involved the windborn boy. One person that would never leave your mind after he made such a big impact on your way of thinking about one person.

After a while of your thoughts being filled with the windborn one  you noticed his return in an instant. You blinked with your eyes— how fast he came back. Truly a surprise, a wonder in your own eyes.

Your gaze was filled with many emotions, but not one was about something else than how much you missed the sight of him.

He went towards you and gave you the mug filled with hot liquid. His finger tips brushed yours. A light smile drew over his face.

"Thank you," you replied quietly, taking a small sip, then glancing at him.

"No problem-," he said. "I hope you enjoy the tea." he said as he sat down on the end of the bed.

"I really enjoy it, it's very tasteful."

You continued to talk with him. His smile when you started to mention certain things about your life was unbeatable.

A while later he noticed how you seemed to loose more and more of the attention, by your eyes almost shutting all over again with every second that passed.

He put the blanket over you as you seemed to fall asleep in a world of your own imagination. Which was his clue to leave.

——✧・゚: ★,。・::・゚☆
hhhhhhh writer blocks suckkk :(( I already have the outcome done but nooooo I can't get that motivation to finish it all????

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