Chapter Eleven: another game

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Time skip- one week

Megan's POV: 
"Almond flat white for Jessica!"

I handed the drink to a prissy looking women. I was working the afternoon rush at the Starbucks by my house. I walked to the back counter and began working on the next order, a venti vanilla bean Frappuccino. I felt a presence next to me and turned to see Lily holding a cold brew. She took a sip and spoke.

"Dude I can cover your shift, go to your boyfriends game. I can text Kim and she'll go with you if you don't want to go alone."

I sighed.

"He's not my boyfriend. And besides I need the money so I'll just stay here and work."

Lily judgingky took another sip of her drink.

"It's fine I'll just say you were here and you can still get paid, ill even say you did over time. You should go and be with him."

I stared back at the half made drink on the counter in front of me. Lily stared at me in confusion and asked the question I was avoiding.

"You're still talking to him right?"

I clenched my fists and shook my head. In the past week he's texted me three times and even called me once but I've never picked up or responded.

"I...I just don't want to get atttached you know? He's rich and famous and could have any women he's wanted so why should I think that's going to be me."

Lily stopped mid sip and stared at me.

"He'd be a fucking idiot to not want to go out with. You guys had an amazing date and he's tried to be in touch with you, how many of those other women your worried about can say that? Don't waste this opportunity just because you're worried."

She had a point, but I was still worried.

"I think I'll just stay here tonight, and maybe go to the next one."

"I'm very tempted to drag your ass out to the rink, but then no one would be here to cover for us then."

She walked away and through her half drank cold brew into the garbage. I went back to trying to finish the Frappuccino but thoughts of jack kept slipping into my head.

Time skip

I was waiting for lily to grab her stuff so
I could finish locking up the building. I pulled out my phone and saw that I had multiple text notifications. I opened them up and realized they were from Jack.

Hey where are you sitting? I'll wave to you if I skate by.

About to go on, wish me luck! 😁

Half time, you enjoying the game so far? I scored that last goal for you.

Can you meet me at the doors to the change room? I wanna hear your thoughts on the game.

Where are you?


You didn't come to the game did you?

Shit. I couldn't use my phone my whole shift so I hadn't gotten his texts till now. Plus I haven't responded to the texts he sent me in the past week. Fuck he probably thinks I'm ghosting him.

"Heyyyy Megan I got the left over lemon loafs!"

Lily exclaimed as she emerged from the back room. She stopped in her tracks when she saw the fresh tears streaming down my cheeks.

"I think I've made a horrible mistake."
I chocked out.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2022 ⏰

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