Chapter five: goal

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Megan's POV:

I made the shot.

I fucking made the shot!

The entire stadium was cheering and I looked over to where I had been sitting minutes before to see lily and Kim hugging and cheering for me. I felt a huge smile spread across my face as I saw the announcer running towards me smiling as well. Once he reached me he shoved his microphone into my face.

"Congratulations Ms.Megan! You made the shot! Who's the lucky player that gets to go out to dinner with you?"

I couldn't believe this was happening to me. I had just won a dinner date with the guy I had had a crush on for the last couple years! My heart was racing and I was almost bouncing with happiness.

"Jack Hughes!"

I yelled into the mic, my smile getting bigger.

The announcer laughed and raised his mic back to his face.

"Jack get over here and great the lucky lady that's going to be your next dinner date!"

I saw a player take off his helmet and began to skate over to us. When he stood in front of me, I saw that it was him. He was so handsome, with his gorgeous hair and his blue eyes meeting mine. I saw that he was smiling and my breath caught in my chest.

"Hi Megan nice to meet you."

He said with the hottest voice I had ever heard. Then he pulled me into a hug.

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