Chapter four: meeting

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Jacks POV:
I turned to see who's number had been called and I laid my eyes upon the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. My heart began to race and I felt the corners of my mouth turn up in a smile when I noticed she was wearing my jersey. God she was so pretty, I had to know her.

The announcer walked over to her with a microphone.

"It looks like you're tonight's winner! What's your name beautiful?"

The girl learned over to the mic and answered,


Fuck. She had the voice of an angel. The announcer continued talking to her.

"Megan, what a pretty name! How old are you?"

"18 sir."

"Nice nice. How good are your hockey skills? Do you think you're going to be able to make the shot?"

"I...I don't know, but I'm gonna try my best."

The announcer laughed.

"Well I guess that's the best you can do, let's see how good your skills are!"

She was given a Stick and a puck and then lead towards the net. I was really hopping that she was going to make the shot. She placed the puck down, pushed it around with the stick and began to move towards the net. When she pulled the stick back to take the shot, the whole stadium held their breath. My heart was pounding and I couldn't watch. I closed my eyes just as the sound of the stick colliding with the puck radiated through the stadium. There was a moment of silence, and then the stadium erupted into cheers. I slow opened my eyes to see that the beautiful girl had made the shot.

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