Routine? 2nd Day?

Start from the beginning

As soon as i Made up my mind, I start walking to my Destination 

After a Few minutes walk, I arrived at the Gym and went to the Receptionist Counter

"Good Morning, I'd like to register for Membership here" i said as the receptionist looked at me

"You're Quite Early here, Kid. The Membership fee will cost you 5000 Points monthly. Is that okay with you?" he asked as nodded

I paid the needed points then He gave me the Entry Pass

I said my Thanks and Went inside Workout Area

As i look around, I noticed that there's someone already here

He's Hitting the Punching Bag with Karate and Aikido techniques 

He had this Sleek Black-Hair and Glasses that made him look like someone Studious. He also Radiating With the aura of Authority, He's seems like someone Special

He noticed me, But didn't pay heed to me

I also started my Stretches and Warm Up Consisting of 100 Push Up, 25 for each and 50 Both Arms, 150 curls up, and 5km run 

I just finished my Push up and Curls and Then proceeded to the the Run

I set that treadmill at 40kmph Since my Body's warmed up, I can Keep up with this speed or higher

After i Finished my Run, I was sweating profusely, I taken a break before Starting my main Exercise 

I did the Barbell Squat with 50kg Weight for 50 reps, Deadlift with 100kg Weight for 25 reps, Pull ups with 25kg Weight for 75 reps.  This isn't my Max but this'll suffice since i just need to maintain my Current physique 

I noticed that other Students and Teachers are already filling up, Some of them watching me 

As I was about Do my Bench press when that black haired guy approached me, Looking at me as if analysing me. 

"Need a Spot?" He asked

"I'd Appreciate it" I replied, Accepting his Help

"All things Considered, Can you Carry This?" he asked, Pointing at the Barbell that had over 100 kg Weight 

"Yeah" i replied, As i lay down, Getting Ready

After a few Seconds I started to Lift it, I only need to do 15 reps

I keep lifting in a slow pace to not overexert my Joints and muscles

After i Finished, Everyone clapped at me

Some of them surprised that i can Lift 100 kg

"You're Impressive" the black-haired guy said

"Thank you, um.." i asked for his name

"Horikita, Horikita Manabu of Class -3A"

He introduced 

"Thanks for the Spot, Senpai. Btw, I'm Ayanokoji Kiyotaka" I said As he looked at me, Surprised To Know who i am

"So You're The The that aced the Entrance Exam" He said as he Pushed his Upwards with His Middle finger

"Yes" i said as i remove my Sweaty Shirt 

His Eyes widened when he saw my Figure.

"You have a nice body there. It's not Bulky But Lean, It's also in Good Shape " He Complimented as He observed my Body

"Thanks for the Compliment, I need to keep my physique to be more proficient in using Martial arts" i said as i Change into a New Shirt

"You do martial arts? What do you practice?" He asked

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