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Percy started to see light filtering through his closed eyelids. He grimaced slightly as he felt a mild headache start pounding in his head. He then started focusing on his surroundings.

He was laying on a hard surface and found his back leaning against a wall. When he finally opened his eyes, he was immediately blinded. It was a lot brighter than he had thought.

After his eyes adjusted, he could make out a clear glass room that seriously needed an interior decorator. It revealed two men, all in black, standing outside with their backs facing him, keeping guard.

There was still a dull throbbing pain in his leg where the arrow had pierced through. He still felt the familiar weight of Riptide in his pocket. Two men and a woman stopped in front of the glass cell, two of which Percy realised he had fought as he stood up and glared at them.

The other man was straight out of a spy movie. He was tall, African-American, wore completely black, complete with a trench coat and an awesome eye-patch, almost identical to the one that Ethan Nakamura, the son of Nemesis, had once worn as Percy felt a stab of pain.

The pirate man interrupted his thoughts. "So. Perseus Jackson. We have a few questions for you."

Percy's eyes revealed nothing as he stared at them impassively, seeming to not have a care in the world, which was impressive to the three, considering the fact that he was locked in the cell, and yet still seemed to be perfectly in control.

A few moments of silence passed.

"Perseus ..."

"It's Percy, thanks," the son of Poseidon interrupted. "And I never did catch your names."

The redhead's eyes widened slightly, shocked by his presumptuous tone, but before she could speak, the pirate replied, gesturing for her to stand down. "It's alright. I'm Director Fury, of SHIELD."

He then gestured to the two agents next to him. "These are Agents Romanoff and Barton. Now that we've been introduced, Percy, can we move along?"

"Sure, why not?" Percy replied, his tone slightly smug.

"First question, what in Hades do you think gives you the right to kidnap me?" He then paused slightly before adding thoughtfully. "And what is SHIELD?"

"The Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division ..."

Percy snorted at the name, muttering under his breath. "Someone really wanted the initials to spell SHIELD, huh?"

Fury ignored him and continued. "It has authority given to us by the government to secure and detain the bigger threats to the United States, and occasionally the Earth's, safety. And based on what we've seen of you Mr. Jackson, that authority stands."

Percy laughed at that. "Me, a threat to the United States? Good one, Director."

The grin then slid from his face. "So, if I'm a threat, why am I here? I'm pretty sure you guys wouldn't leave me alive if I'm such a big threat."

The sarcasm was practically dripping from his voice, but his face was deadly serious.

"You are here, Mr. Jackson, because we need information. Both about you, and who you work for," Fury stated calmly. "Your powers, origins ... accomplices."

Fury grinned slightly. "Annabeth Chase, wasn't it? Very admirable, the way you sacrificed yourself as a distraction to save her and your kids, Luke and Charlie Jackson? It makes me wonder how deep your wife and kids are in this."

Percy's sea-green eyes darkened with anger.

"If you lay a finger on any one of them, I swear to Styx, I will make you suffer in ways that you can't even imagine," he threatened them.

"Then I suggest you comply with me here and answer my questions," Fury replied. "Unless ..."

"You've messed with the wrong family," Percy stated in a calm but deadly tone.

Fury raised his eyebrow. "Oh, is that supposed to be threatening?"

Percy only smirked. "You'll never get anything out of me."

And with that, the demigod turned his head to face the ceiling, and ignored the three like they were nonexistent. 

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