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3 months later

It had been quite quiet around the compound, there wasn't much red alerts, a few leads here and there on hydra, but nothing big. Y/n had fit in comfortably with the avengers, they didn't see her as the person who tried to kill them, they saw her as a lost soul needing to be saved.

And that they did, Bruce learned techniques on how to help y/n when she was having flashbacks, he made a serum that she would be able to take to help ease her mind from the pain caused from her past, it wouldn't do much other than help the migraine she'd have afterwards, but she was still grateful non the less.

However, there was still something off. No one else had that feeling but y/n, the feeling that someone was always watching, she did want to speak to the team about it, but she thought of it as her mind playing games with her, it wouldn't have been the first time it did so she chose to ignore it.

Natasha and y/n and gotten closer, natasha told y/n her life after the red room, although she hesitated at first, she didn't want to tell y/n her life went upwards after the red room, but y/n wanted to hear her stories of how her life got better after the red room, even if y/n was stuck with hydra, if brought her peace that her old lov- old friend, managed to get out.

"And then you add the flour-" wanda showed y/n as she watched intently, "And mix it in with eggs and sugar" she added, Y/n and wanda were in the kitchen having a bake off, it was really just to cure the boredom that had settled between them, they didn't get called on any missions either, so they felt pretty useless for now.

"What would happen if you forgot to add eggs" y/n smiled shyly, "Then it wouldn't hold together properly, it would also be dry" wanda replied as she put her and y/n's cakes in the oven, y/n looked at her cake that was being put in the oven and silently gulped. 'Idiot' she thought to herself.

Y/n and wanda started a small conversation, wanda had said something to make y/n laugh, little did she know there was a pair of green eyes watching from the other side of the room, filled with jealousy.

Natasha couldn't explain her feelings towards y/n, she spent nights thinking of it, they had a spark back when they were both in the red room, but since then it of course wasn't the same, but whenever she would talk to the girl sparks ignited in her stomach, her eyes became more sparkled, which was very unusual for the 'cold hearted assassin'. But did she want to be the cold hearted assassin she was branded? or did she want to feel the feeling of love. She watched romcoms and read novels and novels of people falling in love, but she always thought it was fake and just an act.

But could the girl that was her light in the darkness, the sun to her moon, be the one to change that?

She shook out of her daydream as she heard a cough next to her, Clint. "To what do i owe the pleasure barton" she asked him, her eyes not leaving the two girls who seemed to be having more fun than she hoped. Clint caught onto the change in her eyes as he followed her line of site. People may just think clint was a teammate to natasha, but she was so much more to him than just that. Even though he saved her, she done the same for him in many other occasions, most weren't physically as well.

"I can see jealousy when i see it" he replied to her in a sarcastic tone, she scoffed, "Jealous? of what?" she asked him, moving her eyes to his, he just gave her a knowing look.

"I'll ignore your terrible excuse and tell you what i came here for, fury found a lead on hydras main guy, he will be attending a party tomorrow night in paris, he told me to tell you to bring an acquaintance to make it less obvious" He told her, he looked over to y/n making her way over to the two, "And by the looks of it, i think i know who you will chose" he finished with a smirk before y/n walked over to the two of them.

"barton, nat, what are you two talking about" she asked, he just shook his head before replying, "Natasha here, has something to ask you" he grinned, but shortly let out a small 'ow' as he felt a very painful pinch in his thigh and a deathly look from natasha, he quickly walked away before the stare made him piss his trousers.

"Uh so you had something to ask me?" Y/n asked as she smiled at natasha but looked very confused, natasha coughed, "Yes, fury needs me tomorrow night to go and find hydras main guy, found a lead" she told the girl standing infront of her, taking a sip of her drink, "And where do i tie into this exactly?" she asked the red head, seeing as a thin line of sweat became noticed to the girls vision, her demeanor changing into a more teasing one.

"i uh, i need to take someone to- you know blend in" she spoke, still trying to find the words to form the sentence she planned in her head, you look at her with a cocky smirk, placing the glass that was in your hand to the counter and make your way closer to her. "Mhm, and who were you planning to take might i ask?" you asked her with a smirk, slowly biting your bottom lip waiting for an answer. Natasha could tell you knew what she was getting at, seeing you get more cocky about it made her demeanor change also.

"You will be my date, and wear something hot, and that should be easy for you because-" she got closer to your ear and whispered hotly "you always look so god dam tasty", and with that, she left you standing there, your once confident demeanor changed to a more shy and embarrassed one.

One day you will get that red headed assassin to crumble under your touch.

hello everyone, sorry for the delay on this chapter i have been in such a reading slump recently and wasn't able to get out💀💀

but i'm out of it finally! so trying to pick up on where i left off, enjoy!

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