Miss me?

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The tall bulk man and natasha both turned their head to the doorway, there was a dark shadow lingering there for a second until the man spoke up

The man:" who are you"

Y/n:" oh wouldn't you like to know"

Y/n stepped out of the shadows and sent a grin in natashas direction. "Ah y/n" madam b called out from the corner of the room, to which Natasha didn't even know she was there.

Y/n:" as if my day couldn't get any worse" you mumbled. "Listen I'm just hear you get this over and done with so if you don't mind me" you turn to the man hovering near Natasha. "I'm going to kick your ass now"

The man instantly lunged for you, but you moved out the way and laughed at his eagerness to hurt you. "Easy there tiger we don't want you hurting yourself now do we?" You smirk and glance at natasha and wink at her, at the worst situations you always manage to slide in your remarks.

"I never liked you, always thought you were better than everyone else" the man grunted, "oh but that's were your wrong, I never thought I was better, I knew I was" you jump and wrap your legs around his head and use your elbow to hit into his head, he pins you to the wall and you flip off him and he punches you in the stomach, you groan and then pull out your gun and shoot him in the knee caps. You look around the room but madam b disappeared.

Natasha:" you couldn't have done that at the start?"

Y/n:" I just saved your ass romanoff, a thank you would be nice" you were saying as you were untying her from the chair, she instantly leaped into your arms and hugged you tightly, not letting you go.

Y/n:"miss me? Red"

Natasha:" really that nickname? Don't ever do anything like that again, I thought I lost you"

Y/n:" come on let's get back before Tony kills me"

Y/n walks through the doors with Natasha in her arms limping due to the injuries, everyone was in the main room, clearly waiting for y/n as they would've already knew that she went to go save Natasha.

Y/n:"funny bumping into you guys huh"

Tony:" what the hell y/n, you could've gotten more hurt"

Y/n:" I'm still here arent I? Oh and your welcome by the way"

Steve:" you should've came and woken us up!"

Y/n:" oh yeah ' oh god y/n we are so glad you are finally awake' yeah thanks guys appreciate it" you laugh sarcastically but receive glares back, " not the time for jokes? Alright" you carry Natasha to your room.

Steve:" where are you going?"

Y/n:" well someone needs to clean her up don't they?"

You heard muffled laughs as you walked through the hall to your room, you open the door with your leg and walk over to the bathroom and sit natasha on next to the sink and you kneel to the cupboard and grab the med box with the bandages in it.

Natasha:" you know I can do this myself"

Y/n:" shut up and take your suit off"

Natasha:" kinky now are we?"

You look up and roll your eyes but can't control the blush forming on your face, you pull out anti bacterial wipes and start to wipe over the cuts and hear Natasha wince.

Y/n:" how come you've been shot multiple times and it didn't hurt yet this does?"

Natasha:" how did you save me?"

Y/n:" well romanoff I got in the quinjet and-"

Natasha:" you know that's not what I meant"

You sighed, you looked up at her preparing your answer as she looks at you not breaking eye contact.

Y/n:" I don't know, I heard them talking about how your mission went wrong and I tried my hardest to move but, I couldn't, then I thought about my happiest memory and this burst of energy just flew through me and then I could move again"

Natasha:" what memory did you think of"

You stayed quiet, not answering her question and quickly changed the subject.

Y/n:" are you hungry?"

Natasha:" little bit"

Y/n:" once I've cleaned you up I'll grab you some food"

Natasha nodded and let you finish cleaning her up, she watched as you carefully wrapped the bandage round her waist, she notices you bite your bottom lip due to concentration, but she knew you always did that, or you stick your tongue to the side of your mouth, she always admired that about you.

Y/n:" annnnnd done"

Natasha:" quite the doctor aren't you? Better than Bruce I'd say"

Y/n:" better not let him hear you say that, he'll go green on you"

You both let out giggles and Natasha put out her hand for you to take, you took it and she led you up the roof of the tower.

Y/n:" have you taken me up here to push me off the roof?"

Natasha:"tempting, but no"

Y/n:" then why-"

Natasha:"shh, look up"

You look up and see the stars, you open your mouth in awe, natasha takes your hand and sits you down next to her and you both lie on your backs and watch the stars.

Natasha:" I remember when you told me when we were 19 that you always wanted to see the stars up close"

Y/n:" you remembered that?!"

Natasha:" of course I did, I remember all our memories"

You smiled to yourself, you felt your heart tingle as she remembers the memories, of course you remembered them all aswell, but you didn't think Natasha did.

Y/n:" my happiest memory was you"

Natasha:" what?"

Y/n:" my happiest memory, it was our first fight, I can remember everyone telling me that I'd walk out with at least 7 broken bones, but the only thing I walked out with was a smile on my face"

Natasha:" you're so cheesy"

You threw a pillow at her face and you both laugh.

Natasha:" but it's cute"

Y/n:" man I missed this"

Natasha:" me too"

Y/n:"I can remember when we used to sneak out in the red room, and run through the halls from the guards"

Natasha:" you made those times bearable"

Y/n:" oh trust me I know what ever would you do without me?"

They both caught each others gaze, both not wanting to look away, but they both did, y/n broke the gaze first, she didn't want to, but she didn't want to look any longer, she knew she had feelings for Natasha, strong ones too, but she always convinced herself that Natasha didn't feel the same, because if she did, why would she have left her? But y/n didn't know Natasha thought the exact same thing, but she always thought ' why did I ever leave, I should've stayed' but Natasha had no choice, she tried to go back to y/n multiple times, but she could never find her, they both just wished they could confess their feelings for each other, sooner rather than later.

Hi so I tried to upload this yesterday but it wouldn't let me for some reason? Anyway I think I'm gonna make this a slow burn because it'll be so cute, I think I want to give y/n a name, because it will be easier for me to write, put in the comments what you'd like the name to be but if no one comments ig I can just pick a name :) hope you all have a lovely day/ night!

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