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Avengers pov

Wanda runs into the main room where everyone is, they were talking about y/n and what could happen if they help her, the better outcome. "You guys need to come now, it's y/n" wanda says trying to get a breathe as she runs back out of the room, everyone runs to the cell that you are in and they see you, curled up in a ball in the corner of the cell, with your head resting on your knees.

Y/n's pov

Steve:"y/n, are you alright"

Y/n:"I can't control it, it hurts"

Tony:"we know kid, that's why we are here to help if you let us"

Y/n:" there's a chip, it's in my head, it tells me to do these things and I-"

Wanda:"I looked in her mind, she's telling the truth, she needs our help she doesn't deserve this"

Steve:"you need to talk to us, if you come out the cell will you tell us about everything?"

I nod and look around and see everyone smiling and trying to make me feel better, except one, the redhead, she's in the back trying to read me to see if I'm lying, I swear I know her from somewhere, I can already tell she doesn't want me to be here. They open the door and take a step back and I step out and they put these handcuffs on me to stop me from using my powers.

Steve:"I'm sorry but it's necessary, we don't really know if we can trust you a-"

Y/n:"I get it, it's fine"

They sit me down on this table in a room, like an interrogation type room.

Steve:"sorry we haven't told you our names, I'm Steve, thats tony, you've already met wanda, you've met thor but he's back on his world, and that, is natasha"

I try give him a subtle smile, he's trying to be nice to me after I just tried to kill him, I gotta give him credit for that.

Y/n:"why are you all being so nice to me, I just tried to kill you?" I ask curiously

Tony:"technically it wasn't you"

Steve:"Tony's right, that wasn't you back there, my bestfriend since childhood, bucky, also had a bad past with hydra, it was like the same as yours but he didn't have powers, but we helped him, now he helps us fight hydra, so we are willing to give you a chance like we gave him"

Y/n:"wait, bucky? Bucky Barnes?"

Steve:"yes, do you know him?"

Y/n:"I did when I was in hydra, we helped eachother try to escape some times, one time it worked happily for him, but for me, it was different" I say looking down at the table, all the memories come flooding back to me.

They ask me some simple questions to which I answer, the questions get more in depth and I don't really want to answer them but I want them to trust me and I want them to help me, even if I say I don't, I need the help.

Tony:" so if you don't mind me asking, is all of your past hydra or?"

Y/n:" no, not all of it, I can't even remember my parents, I was raised in this thing called the red room, I don't know if any of you have heard from it, it was terrible at first, then I met this girl, her name was Natalia, she made it easier, but then when she escaped, I had no one, I felt alone, scared, I had nothing, and then the red room sold me to hydra, they whipped most of my memories, but they didn't wipe the ones of me and Natalia, I guess they were just too precious to me."

Steve and tony look at eachother then they look at nat, they never knew her full past, but they did know she was raised in the red room, as soon as nat heard 'red room' she looked up at y/n, that's where she remembered her from, all of her memories of her and y/n came rushing back, she quickly left the room closing the door behind her.

Y/n:"did I say something to upset her or something?"

Steve:"no kid, your fine"

Tony:" I'll set up a room for you, you can stay here and Me and Bruce will start looking at ways to get rid of that chip"

Y/n:"Bruce? Who's Bruce?"

Tony:"come, I'll introduce you"

I walk out of the room and he unclips the handcuffs on me, me and Tony walk to the lab and I see natasha on my way, she looks at me and we have eye contact for 2 seconds before I turn the corner, I know her for somewhere and it's annoying, I don't know where I know her from.

Tony introduces me to bruce and we talk for a while and they introduce me to Clint and he asks a bit about me and I tell him, I didn't have much of a problem telling people about my past, I just can't go into detail, I head up to my room, I don't really know which one it is, I walk into a room and there she is, natasha, sitting on the bed, her head shoots up when she sees me walk in.

Nat:"y/n what the hell!"

Y/n:"oh I'm so so sorry I must've got the wrong room I'm sorry" I say whilst closing the door, she grabs my hand and pulls me back in the room and closes the door.

My backs against the wall, as she stands infront of me, it's like she's inspecting me, she's looking at me up at down like I'm some sort of animal?

Y/n:"why the hell are you staring at me like that?"

Nat:"the redroom"

Y/n:"what about it? I don't really like talking about it"

Nat:" why are you here? Why were we your mission?"

Y/n:" I don't know okay? I told you guys all I know, and it wasn't actually me you saw me trying to fight with myself to stop it happening again"

I walk out of her room and slam her door, I see wanda come out of her room with a sympathetic look on her face.

Wanda:"y/n, are you okay?"

Y/n:"oh hey, em yes I'm fine can you just help me find my room please?"

She helps me find my room and then she goes back to her room, I walk into the room and slump onto the bed, I've never had my own bed before, not since the redroom anyway, and even at that, it wasn't even a proper bed. I lay in the bed and put my head on the pillow, I doze off to sleep.

Natashas pov

I jolt up from my sleep because I heard screaming, I run out of my room and run into y/n's room and she's lying in a ball curled on her bed, she looks up at me, her cheeks rosy and red from crying, she's struggling to breathe, I run over next to her and try calm her down.

Y/n:"natasha is hurts i c-cant breathe"

Nat:"your gonna be fine just follow my breathing okau? In and out come on you can do it"

She copies my breathing and she slowly calms down, she lies back down and instantly falls back to sleep, I walk out the door and take one last look in before shutting the door, I head back to my room and lie on my bed looking up at the ceiling, how do I get the guts to tell her I was Natalia? The last time I saw her was in the redroom when I escaped, I wanted to save her so bad, but I couldn't, I tried to go back to her but I couldn't find her, I haven't stopped thinking about her ever since, I'm still inlove with her

The girl that was never savedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang