The attack

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Y/n's pov

I got back to the compound and I needed a shower badly, so I get in the shower and quickly wash my hair and my body, I change into some clothes and tie my hair up in a messy bun, we don't really have any other plans for today anyway. I walk downstairs and sit on the couch in the main room and switch on the tv, I'm reading my book and and everyone starts coming in to watch television. We are all sitting in the living room talking and doing our own things. I walk over to the window to see the view from outside, it really is beautiful! That was until I see something coming straight to the compound, I can't see what it exactly is, until it gets closer, I realise, I shout for everyone to get down and then when it happens, the missile comes straight through the windows and blows up sending everyone flying backwards, I hit my back off the wall and get knocked out.

Avengers pov

Everyone starts to get up after a couple minutes, no one really took a serious hit, except from y/n.

Steve:"is everyone alright"

Everyone:"yes we are fine"

Nat:"y/n, are you alright?"

No answer..


Y/n's pov

I wake up in this room, I look up and see this bright light shining onto my eyes, I then look down and see I'm strapped to a chair, where am I?

Avengers pov

Everyone:"Y/N, Y/N!"

Y/n is no where to be found, they search everywhere, they look under everything to see if y/n was there.
Steve walks over to the missile that's lying on the floor, he notices one specific logo that's on the end of the missile, hydra.

Steve:"it's hydra, they've got y/n"

Tony:"what do you mean? How could they have gotten her?"

Wanda:" they must have came on got her whilst we were knocked out"

Nat:"we need to get them back, who knows what they can be doing to her, especially now she's on our side!"

Steve:"we will nat, we need a plan first before we go if we want to get y/n back"

Y/n pov

I look everywhere to see if I can find a way to get out,  they've found me, I figured out it was hydra, they've been looking for me ever since I've been apart of the avengers.

Pierce:"ahh y/n lovely for us to meet again"

Y/n:"pierce, who would've known your the reason I'm strapped down the this chair"

Pierce:"well, your were our best experiment, didn't think we would let you go that easily now would you?"

Y/n:"oh I'm flattered truly, I was your best lab rat I get it, now you want me back to finish the job, not gonna happen"

I didn't know if they new the chip was removed from my head or not, so I came up with a plan.

The girl that was never savedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora