Is that all you got

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Days past, no progress, natasha was called by fury to go on a mission to which she asked to not go but he insisted she attended. She gave y/n a kiss on the forehead and walked out, with one last glance and y/n, natasha had to leave or else she wouldn't have left at all. But what no one didn't know, y/n was still awake, she could see and hear everything.

5 hours later...

Y/n heard the avengers argue, to her dismay, she wish she didn't, they were arguing over natasha.

Sam:" we cant just leave her cap she needs help!"

Steve:" and we will help her we just need a plan first"

Tony:" she's been captured again my madam B, they wont kill her they need her"

Y/n heard everything, her heart ached, she knew Natasha hated the red room, she had to push herself to save Natasha. Midnight struck, everyone was in bed preparing for tomorrow. Whilst y/n tried hours on end to get up, she couldn't. Tears started to form in her eyes, she closed them and thought of her first memory with Natasha.



"You know for being the newbie your not as bad as I thought"

"Shut up Natalia I could beat your ass in my sleep"

The girls smirked at eachother, natasha pinned y/n down, but y/n grabbed natashas forearm and flipped her on her stomach and her arm was behind her back.

"What was that romanova?"

Y/n smirked as she helped Natasha up, natasha swatted her hand away and turned away but before she could y/n noticed her blushing cheeks. Madam b left, Natalia following behind her but before she left she turned to y/n

Natalia: "you did good, for being new, we should do this again, just so I can kick your ass"

Y/n:" now that I would pay money for"

Flashback over

Y/n opened her eyes and looked at her hands, she could move her hands, then she could move her legs and she realised to could stand up, she pinched her skin just incase it was a dream, but it was not, she checked the time. 1:47am, y/n ran to her room and grabbed her training suit, put it on and rushed out the door, she found natashas location and instantly flew there in the quinjet.

Natashas pov-

"Where is it!"

"I already told you I don't know!"

"Well then, you earned this"

The man brutally punched Natasha across the face, earning Natasha more blood to pour out of her nose. But Natasha being natasha, she wasn't going to be seen as weak.

"Is that really your hardest punch, wow I mean-"

She was cut off my him punching her again, that was until the door broke down.


Heyyyy I know this is a short chapter but there will be one later when I'm finished school. I wrote this while I'm current going to be late for school but anything for you loves!

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