"Are any of them boys?" Grandma asks, wiggling her eyebrows teasingly.

"Louisa," Grandpa chastises.

Grandma rolls her eyes at Grandpa. "Oh, I'm just curious, Adam." Grandma looks back at me. "Go on, dear," she encourages.

I smile awkwardly. "Um, yeah," I begin, "I made friends with this boy named Mike and another boy named Eric."

"Are they nice?" Grandma asks.

"Yeah, pretty much all my friends are nice."

"Good." Grandma smiles.

But on the inside, I know that I didn't exactly tell the whole truth. Eric was really nice, sure, and so was Angela. Jessica was a bit snobby and gossipy for my taste though, and Mike was generally nice to me, unless Bella was around. Then Mike would just kind of ignore me and give all his attention to her.

I liked Bella though. She was pretty much oblivious and uncaring to all the attention she got from all the boys. She isn't a mean person or anything. She's just shy and not as social as a lot of other high schoolers are. She reminds me a lot of myself, except I'm a little more talkative than her. I have this issue when it comes to valuing how other people view me, so I tend to force myself to engage and socialize more than I would like too.

A flash of Edward's cold eyes makes a shiver run down my spine. Now that just leaves Edward Cullen, the boy who I have to sit next to in biology class. Total hottie, but a complete weirdo.

I stick my fork into my lasagna and eat another piece. I've decided that tomorrow I'm going to confront Edward and find out exactly what his problem is. Cause normal people don't just give other people death stares for an entire class period. Who knows? Maybe Edward staring at me like that was just his way of calling for help. He may be an addict or something who just needs someone to help him, I dunno.

I sigh to myself as I eat. Darn Edward Cullen, why do you have to be such a complicated mystery?

*Time Skip*

Instead of confronting Edward in biology class, I decided that it would be best if I caught him before class. So I'm currently sitting on a bench, waiting for Edward to arrive in the school parking lot. At least out here in the open, Edward might feel more comfortable  telling me what his problem is with me.

I bounce my leg impatiently until the sound of car motors reach my ears. It's the Cullens, Jasper, Alice, Emmett, and Rosalie to be specific. But no sign of Edward. Jasper pulls up in a jeep with Emmett riding on top, peaking out through the jeep's open sun roof, while Rosalie pulls up in a convertible with Alice in the passengers seat.

I peer at them in suspicion. The second they're parked, Rosalie and Emmett get together and walk up the front school steps. Alice and Jasper do the same with their arms around each other. As they walk up the front steps, I swear that I see Alice and Jasper take a quick glance back at me.

I would ask Edward's siblings about where he is, but just like Edward, they kind of make me nervous. Rosalie and Emmett aren't creepy like Edward, but they're seniors, and I've always been a bit nervous to talk to students in the upper classes. Alice and Jasper are juniors like me, but Jessica did get one thing right about them. They are pretty weird. In fact, the back glance they just gave me has made me even more uncomfortable with the idea of talking to them.

*Wednesday, The Next Day*

Deciding that I didn't feel comfortable confronting Edward in front of his siblings, I go back to my original plan to talk to him during biology. But once again, he's a no-show at school. I sigh in disappointment at the sight of his empty seat next to mine as I walk into the biology classroom. Where can he be? Out sick? I doubt it.

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